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#4 GitHub actions continuous integration

Let’s enforce code quality on each Git push

.com software
2 min readAug 26, 2022


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

If you didn’t notice — this is part of a series

Setting up GitHub actions

This was was really quick. Only one file was required in the repository in order to start executing GitHub actions. To start a workflow, all is needed is a yml configuration file in the .github/workflows directory of the repository.

I pushed the .github/workflows/php.yml config file with the following content:

Basically it’s a standard PHP-Composer GitHub actions template. I had to slightly modify the content in order to execute the pipeline inside the app/ directory where the Symfony application is located.

This actions runs:

  • when the code is pushed to the main branch
  • a pull request to the main branch is created



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