Active Support for PHP 8.0 Ends Next Week. Are you ready?

The time is almost up. Is your code ready for PHP 8.1? Version 7.4’s end-of-life is scheduled for next week.

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Image by Ann H.

Are you aware of the official timeline for PHP versions? There are three actively supported, stable versions at the moment of writing:

  • PHP 7.4
  • PHP 8.0
  • PHP 8.1
PHP version timeline by

Security support for PHP 7.4, and therefore its end of life, ends in just over a week. Active support for PHP 8.0 ends in less than a week.

However, looking at the Composer stats, in October 2022, 40% of installations for PHP 7.0 to 7.4 were reported.

Composer statistics by

PHP 8.0 has been reported in less than one in five installations. Version 8.1 is responsible for every third installation. Although the popularity of the language in the latest versions is growing month by…



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Father • PHP developer • entrepreneur • working for a €1bn unicorn startup as a backend engineer >>>