They Accused Me of Prematurely Optimizing the Code. Wrong!

.com software
3 min readMar 7, 2023

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.” If you’re into programming, most probably you have heard the famous Donald Knuth’s maxim numerous times.

I have been thrown with this quote at my face at least a couple of times already, during the Code Review process. I was accused of “premature optimization,” just because I opted for:

  • a smaller database index on a column to use less RAM,
  • to refactor an If-Statement condition in the order from the lightest to the heaviest to reduce CPU usage and database calls,
  • to move computation parts of the code above database call statements to avoid unnecessary database look-ups and return early.

So what is this “premature optimization” exactly? Wikipedia says, that it is:

the act of wasting resources on optimizing source code that does not represent a significant bottleneck.

It seems that by wasting some time (resource) on making a database index smaller and more efficient I did prematurely optimize. After all, some database index wasn’t a “significant” bottleneck of the application.



.com software

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