Modular Monolith Application in Symfony

A truly modular monolith application project in PHP

.com software
3 min readSep 14, 2022
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

What software architecture would you choose if you were to launch a SaaS startup today? I bet the first thing that comes to your mind is an architecture based on microservices.

There is no serious programming conference these days without at least one topic related to microservices.

No wonder; the topic is so overhyped nowadays:

Microservices” keyword popularity by Google Trends

Many companies embraced such architecture and died in the run. You are going to find a lot of great stories how microservices went wrong for some entrepreneurs.

Netflix started as a simple DVD movie rental system. They did not become the powerful system that we know overnight. It was a process; and it took many years to develop. From a monolith-based application to this monster:

Netflix’s microservice architecture by Bruce Wong

The microservice architecture is, well, hard.



.com software

Father • PHP developer • entrepreneur • working for a €1bn unicorn startup as a backend engineer >>>