A Touchdown for Purpose: Superbowl Advertising for Good

3 min readFeb 9, 2017


It was a close game; one of heartbreak, hope, victory and nail biting for all. However, if there is one thing all Canadians could agree upon, it was that the CRTC’s ruling to show US Superbowl ads on Canadian TV is worth celebrating.

More than enjoying the fact that we got to see the ads from the big game in real time, we relished in the amount of purpose advertisers applied to their messaging. Like everyone else, we were rooting for Gaga to use the halftime show to make a statement, and while she did make a subtle statement, it was the advertisers who stole the show and took on the big issues. Could it be that brands are becoming key players in the movement for freedom, equity and taking on issues? We hope so.

Here’s a quick roundup of our top purpose-packed-picks, all worth a watch;

Lumber 84, “The Journey Begins”:


Being from Canada we’d never heard of this lumber company and we’re pretty sure that never, in the history of the Superbowl, has there been a lumber company that has shelled out the big bucks for production and ad placement. We’re also pretty sure that no other advertiser so directly took on Donald Trump and his xenophobic border wall. The fact that FOX deemed their ad ‘too controversial to air’ was exactly what caused the rush of attention that crashed the campaign site. The spot, that shows the harrowing journey of a mother and daughter leaving Mexico and being met with a wall, is beautifully crafted and compelling. Cut with footage of construction workers welding and building, it isn’t until the end that we realize that the effort has been not to create a wall, but instead to build a door. The payoff? The lline “The will to succeed will always be welcome here”…Shivers.

Budweiser, “Born the Hard Way”:


Eschewing the clydesdales and golden retriever puppies, the brand went out on a ledge this year and produced a beautifully moody story, depicting the prejudice faced by its founder, a German-immigrant, upon arrival in America. Not only was this the story of the man who successfully created one of the most popular beers in America (also recently renamed ‘America’), it is the story of most Americans (and most Canadians too) who faced real obstacles and hatred, only to share their gifts in their new homes. It was a message worth reminding people of, especially in these days filled with hateful rhetoric.

Audi, “Daughter”:


Historically, car companies have not been quick to take on advocacy, so kudos to Audi for this moving spot. In their ad, they tackled equal pay, an issue that still exists across the globe and that sees women in America earning 20% less than men. That means that women have to work 20% harder to buy an Audi…don’t even get us started — more on this in a coming post. I hope that Audi is rewarded and emboldened by this first step and that they can work to #driveprogress amongst others in the public and private spheres.

Coke, “America The Beautiful”:


This spot revisited an ad that the company ran several years ago featuring the song ‘America The Beautiful’ sung in a panoply of voices, set against imagery of Americans of all stripes with the tagline ‘Together is Beautiful’. To see this core insight resurrected in today’s political climate made it more powerful than ever. It was an elegant and compelling way to drive home the diversity that continues to make America great.

Airbnb, “We Accept”:


A simple script, a simple series of faces and a direct message that both sets a tone for a company that has previously had little in the way of a brand stand and takes direct aim at the negative hyperbole that has been dominating the media. “The world is more beautiful the more you accept” — a fitting message for a company built on exploration and human connections.

Acceptance, freedom, love and equity; messages, that when added to one of the best football games ever, will make Superbowl 51 one for the history books.




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