Is Today’s Investment Trend Your Tomorrow’s Regret?

Kevin Do
6 min readMay 12, 2024


Investment techniques that were successful in the past might not be effective now.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

I have engaged in a variety of markets, including stocks, fund certificates, real estate, cryptocurrency, and more. I also had to adjust to the online learning environment and the ever-changing surroundings.

The investment industry is always evolving, with new asset classes, technologies, and market trends appearing at a dizzying rate. Investment strategies that were once thought to be sound soon became antiquated and ineffectual.

Everything that you learned in the 1980s, 90s, and 2000s is now practically out of date.

It is imperative for all investors, regardless of size, to acknowledge that strategies and ideas for investments that have proven successful in the past might not be suitable in the present or the future.

What causes conventional investing concepts to become dated over time, and how can you modify your approach to succeed in the current investing environment?

The investment climate is changing quickly due to a combination of factors including global economic shifts, technological advancements, and evolving consumer behavior.

Previously dependable investment strategies may become outdated due to abrupt and significant changes in a market that was formerly steady and predictable.

Take the emergence of cryptocurrencies, for instance.

I became aware of the cryptocurrency market eight years ago, but because of my personal circumstances, I concentrated primarily on my real estate business. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, drastically altered my viewpoint when the market in my nation nearly collapsed for five or six months, making it impossible for me to run a real estate business.

I began learning more about cryptocurrencies, foreign exchange, and cross-border online trading platforms at this time.

The idea of digital currencies was mostly unknown to regular investors just ten years ago. Nowadays, cryptocurrencies are a significant asset class, with daily billion-dollar inflows and outflows from the market.

There could be big growth opportunities lost for investors who don’t adjust and add this new asset class to their portfolios.

To reiterate, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the investment landscape. While some sectors and industries, like e-commerce and remote work technology, are experiencing unprecedented growth, others, like traditional retail, tourism, and hospitality, are struggling to survive. Investors will be in a better position to weather the storm and profit from new trends if they can pivot and reposition their portfolios appropriately.

The importance of adaptability

Attaining long-term success in investing requires the capacity to modify and advance your strategy. Adhering to antiquated investment concepts may result in lost opportunities, poor returns, and even substantial losses.

It takes more than just being nimble and responding rapidly to shifts in the market to be an adaptable investor. It also involves being receptive, inquisitive, and prepared to question your own presumptions. You must be willing to keep learning as an investor, investigate new asset classes and investment strategies, and take in fresh insights and knowledge.

Make sure your investment portfolio is diversified.

As of right now, investing diversification remains a sound and up-to-date strategy.

Currently, diversification is more crucial than ever. It’s possible that traditional asset classes, such as stocks and bonds, no longer provide the same degree of stability and growth potential.

An iconic example: In early 2022, news broke that Netflix had lost 200,000 subscribers. This caused Netflix’s shares to drop by 25% in a single day, and in less than four months, the company lost $150 billion in assets. significant swings throughout the securities industry’s history.

Source: Ycharts

New opportunities for growth and risk reduction may be presented by emerging asset classes like cryptocurrencies, real estate investment trusts, and alternative investments.

The following asset classes should be taken into account when building a diversified portfolio:

1. Currencies: The world’s largest and most liquid financial market is the foreign exchange (forex) market, which provides investors with the chance to profit from changes in exchange rates.

2. Gold and precious metals: As a hedge against inflation and market volatility, these commodities have long been regarded as a safe haven for investors.

3. Stocks: Despite its occasional volatility, the stock market is still an essential part of a well-rounded investment portfolio because it has the potential to grow over time.

4. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds: These investment vehicles offer immediate diversification and can be customized to meet certain risk tolerances and investment goals.

5. Real estate: Rental income and possible capital growth can be obtained from investment properties, REITs, and real estate crowdfunding platforms.

6. Cryptocurrencies: As this new asset class becomes more widely accepted, it might present chances for expansion and diversification.

Even though I am aware that there are a lot of risks in the cryptocurrency market, I am investing a significant amount in it.

You can lower your overall risk and even increase your long-term investment returns by diversifying your portfolio among these and other asset classes.

Accepting Technological Progress

The way we invest and manage our wealth has undergone a major digital revolution thanks to new platforms and technologies in the financial sector.

Technology has become a crucial component of the current investing environment, from robo-advisors and online trading platforms to blockchain-based apps and AI-powered investment tools.

You can stay ahead of the curve, discover new investment opportunities, and make better decisions by embracing these technological advancements.

It has never been simpler to trade stocks, cryptocurrencies, and foreign exchange online than it is right now.

These platforms frequently offer automated trading algorithms, real-time market data, and sophisticated charting tools, enabling investors to make quicker and better-informed investment decisions.

Analogously, robo-advisors are AI-driven investment management systems that employ algorithms to build and oversee diverse investment portfolios according to a person’s investing objectives and risk tolerance.

Investors who lack the time, knowledge, or motivation to actively manage their own portfolios may find these services especially helpful.

You can stay ahead of the curve, take advantage of new investment opportunities, and possibly even improve your investment results by embracing these

The only option left to you is to adjust to the circumstances, surroundings, and technology of today.

The rate at which product life cycles and technological advancements are changing will cause you to fall behind significantly if you are slow to adjust, ignore, or undervalue today’s technology.



Kevin Do

Cryptocurrency and forex trader. Researcher and analyst specializing in cryptocurrency, providing on market trends.