How to Clean a Wax Warmer?

Dotty Pimentel
6 min readJan 25, 2021


Waxing is one of the most effective and best option that women have when it comes to hair removal. Waxing can remove unwanted hair growth from your underarms, upper lip, arms, legs, back, bikini area, basically, your whole body!

There are a lot of waxing salons nowadays. There are also mobile practitioners, and now, you can do it yourself from home too! One of the most important things that you need for this is a wax warmer!

How to clean a wax warmer?

Whether you are a licensed esthetician, a wax salon business owner, mobile practitioner, or someone who is in to do-it-yourself waxing, then read on! This article will teach you how to remove depilatory wax and clean a wax warmer and everything you need to know about it!

What is a wax warmer?

A professional wax warmer is an electric device that has wax pot. Your wax warmer is the one that you need to plug in and the wax pot is where you put your wax beans or hard wax to melt to be used for hair removal. You can choose the specific heat level that you need to use for your waxing needs. It also comes in different sizes depending if you will use it for business or personal use. Mostly, the big wax warmers are used for businesses and the small ones are used for do-it-yourself waxing.

How to properly use a wax warmer?

Remember that there are different kinds of wax warmers and it is important that you read the instructions that comes with the manual before you use it. But here are some common instructions on how to properly use your wax warmer.

1. Always wear your gloves before using your wax warmer to avoid burns and cross contamination.

2. Fill your wax-warmer pot with wax beans or hard wax and set it to the highest temperature setting.

3. Let the max melt for about 45 minutes but check on it from time to time as well since it depends on how much wax you put it. Ideally it is best that the wax should be about 125 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit to deliver best results. Remember to do not let it go over 165 degrees Fahrenheit since it can cause burns. Overheating can also cause damage to your wax and will make hair removal difficult.

4. Once your wax reaches the desired temperature, set your wax warmer to the lowest heat setting.

5. From there you can start with your hair removal. Remember to always check the heat of the wax to avoid any burns. I would suggest to test the hot wax first. You can put a drop or a small amount of wax to your wrist to check if the heat is bearable. You don’t want to surprise your clients or yourself if the wax is too hot to handle!

6. Once you are done with your hair removal, do not forget to turn your wax warmer off. Also, do not forget to put the lid on to keep the remaining wax clean just in case you will be using it again and unplug the device for safety purposes.

How to clean a wax warmer?

Once you are done with waxing, it is important that you clean your wax warmer to maintain the cleanliness and for sanitary purposes. Below are what you will need and steps on how to effectively remove wax and clean your wax warmers.

What you need to clean your wax warmer:

  • · Gloves — Don’t forget to wear this every time you will use your warmer, first, we don’t want any transfer of germs, second, accidents can happen and you have to keep yourself safe all the time.
  • · Oil/Coconut oil — You can use this to dissolve excess wax from your wax pot.
  • · Scraper or spatula — To scoop out excess wax in big amounts.
  • · Paper towel — Use the thick ones, wax residue is easily cleaned out by paper towels. Works like magic!
  • · Sterilizing solution — You can purchase one that is perfect for you wax warmer.
  • · Clean cloth — To wipe out any oil, water or sterilizing solution left.

Steps on how to clean your wax warmer

1. Wear gloves before cleaning your wax pot to avoid contamination and transfer of germs, also to be safe from burns! You have to keep yourself safe all the time!

2. Turn your wax warmer on and set it on its highest temperature.

3. Let the excess wax melt but do not let it melt down to a liquid form. Just let it soften so you can easily use a scraper or spatula to scoop a big amount of excess wax. Also, avoid pouring or disposing excess wax in your sink, it will cause your pipes to clog and we don’t want that to happen.

4. Carefully and gently remove the wax pot from the warmer (if it is removable, there are some wax warmers that does not have a removable pot, most of them are the heavy-duty ones used for businesses) and remove as much melted wax using a spatula or a scraper. Don’t forget to turn off and unplug your wax warmer after removing the wax pot.

5. If you are waxing professionally, I would advise that any leftover wax should be disposed for sanitary purposes. But if you are DIY waxing and you are just using it for yourself, you can pour the leftover wax into a container for storage. There are also silicon molds that you can buy so you can turn your excess wax into wax beads or small wax cubes for future use!

6. Let the wax pot cool down and pour oil in the container, many are using coconut oil because it easily dissolves

the wax away. Plus, coconut oil has a good scent, just make sure you clean it thoroughly after.

7. If there are any big amount of wax residue left, continue scraping with a spatula or a scraper.

8. Once the wax is fully dissolved, use your paper towel to wipe the excess residue from your wax pot. Dissolved wax easily grips into the paper towel which will make it easier for you to clean it.

9. Pour your preferred sterilizing solution and leave it there for the recommended time and then rinse thoroughly. There are many brands of sterilizing solution that you can buy. Make sure you do your research and read through reviews so you can buy the perfect one for you.

10. Get your paper towel again and wipe it through to make sure there are no residue left.

11. Grab a piece of clean cloth and wipe it all over.

12. Once you are done, you can put the wax pot back to the wax warmer and don’t forget to cover it with the lid provided. Store it in a dry and clean area.

Why do you need to clean your wax warmer?

Whether you are waxing professionally or personally, your wax warmers are your investments. It is important to keep them clean so you can use it for a longer time. Especially if you are waxing professionally, it is important to keep them clean since you don’t want any issues with your clients. Choosing the right brand of waxing tools and products, proper safety measures and thorough cleaning is very important to make the most out of your investment.

What not to do with your wax warmers?

1. Do not heat your wax warmer without any wax in the pot. We don’t want your warmer to overheat.

2. Do not soak the device in water. Soaking the warmer in water can cause a short circuit and the electrical system will fail and you will not be able to use it anymore. Also, avoid putting any liquids near the warmer such as drinks and beverages to avoid accidental spills. Do not soak the device especially when it is plugged in! We don’t want to be electrocuted.

3. Always turn it off when you are not using it. It will cause the warmer to overheat, plus, we don’t want a high electricity bill! Right?

Now that you have learned the tricks and tips on how to use and clean a wax warmer, the do’s and don’ts and the reasons why you should clean them, nothing will stop you now from cleaning and maintaining them to make the most out of the money you invested in buying them and for a better waxing experience!

