Gradient of the 2-Norm

Kien Duong
Jun 24, 2023

My blog:

Prove L2 Norm of x = x^Tx when x is a vector:

And the properties of the transpose, we obtain:

Since A^TB is a scalar it equals its transpose: A^TB = (A^TB)^T = B^T(A^T)^T = B^TA So (1) can be simplified to

The gradient vector is a column vector containing the first-order partial derivatives

  1. f(x) = c^Tx where c is a constant vector

2. f(x) = x^TBx where B is a symmetric matrix

From (3), consider the k^th row in the above vector


From (2), we have

Using the formulas from the sections 1 & 2, with c=A^Tb & B = A^TA, we have

