The ambitious plan…

How ambition may change us to something we never imagined.

1 min readNov 21, 2019

One day, I came across a programming video, the programmer was writing code very fast. Sitting on the chair, I just hoped to be like him one day…

Days past, I started to take programming seriously, also I started to practice my French. The results were slow, sometimes disappointing, but I knew that my ambition and mistakes can make me learn.

I continued trying, failing, getting disappointed, but most importantly, learning…

Of course you know that end, it was sucssess, I started creating awesome web designs, my French became a lot better well, (I am still bad, but at least better!), Of course we all know the moral, never give up, that what I did, and what I want you to do.

I just wrote this to remind you, go on…

Thanks for reading, go continue your day, and remember, never give up!

