A Bit of Glossing Over

4 min readApr 9, 2023


Adventures in VeVe #10

Image made in Midjourney

When I first started researching the blockchain before the pandemic, it wasn’t long before I got really lost in the jargon. I am the sort of person who learns best by demonstrations rather than written words, so YouTube quickly became a good resource for me. Fortunately, there was That One Guy with the calm voice and funny intros who did a series of hand-holding videos, and finally I got it.

NFTs, on the other hand, took me a bit longer to figure out… more on that next time; right now I want to talk about the jargon both in VeVe and beyond. I’ve always been a bit behind when it comes to what the kids are saying these days, and when I tried to translate the jargon using word clues in the rest of the sentence, I found out that my version of what those words meant was absolutely, positively, wrong!

Or are they?

I will let you be the judge of that.

Here are my personal definitions of some of the jargon. And yes, I know some terms were borrowed from other media sources and games, but they’re still prevalently used when talking about digital collectibles.

Airdrop: Freebies that make us hold stuff even when we don’t like it.

Alpha: That thing we always accuse influencers of having, even when they don’t, in hopes of finding out something we’re not supposed to know yet.

Burn: Destroying stuff to make less stuff, typically after someone made too much stuff; often occurs daily. You know… like H&M does to clothing.

Cap: Head covering that the vast majority of all YouTubers seem to wear while doing NFT videos.

Degen: One of many self-deprecating terms that crypto people use to describe themselves.

Diamond Hands: Holding on to an asset forever. Maybe even longer than a whole year!

Doxxed: A show of papers proving that the team behind a project are who they say they are and may or may not be fake.

Flip: The thing that Other People do to make money but makes the rest of us lose it.

Floor: The lowest price for an item, which is always higher than what you want to buy it at and lower than what you want to sell it at.

Fomo: Freak-Out Mad Overspending, typically for something you probably didn’t really want in the first place.

Fud: Full Unadulterated Destruction, often caused by not enough people doing their homework and too many people that want to take advantage of that fact.

Gas: The root of all evil.

Gem Squeeze: People selling things they wanted last week because they didn’t know what was happening this week.

Interoperable: How in the hell would I know what it is? I’m on VeVe.

KYC: A show of papers proving an individual is who they say they are and may or may not be fake.

MCP: A way to prove to a wide audience that I am not a whale in any shape or form.

Metaverse: A term that makes very big companies make very big fools of themselves when they Fomo in without knowing what they’re doing.

Minting: Being the first one to own the nice shiny new thing and holding it until you sell it for the next nice shiny new thing.

Moon: That place everyone tries to get to… but I think Alice probably got there first.

OG: The people who need a really cool title on the app to explain why they’ve lost the most in a bear market.

OUP: That thing that makes little red circles periodically fill up on a webpage.

Paper Hands: Those very nice people who are selling me my favorite collectibles at a discount. Thank you.

Phygital: Matching something that doesn’t collect dust with an item that does.

Rugpull: When things that sound too good to be true turn out to be too good to be true.

Sus: What people tend to say when they want to express that something sounds too good to be true.

Sweep: What happens when too many people price an item too low to ignore any longer.

Vault: The place where Guys with Too Much Time on Their Hands make panoramas with digital collectibles. However, it always looks like a garage sale when anyone else does it.

Waitlist: Something that a lot of us are still waiting for. Maybe we need to join a waitlist to get the waitlist.

Wall: Pricing multiples of the same item at a certain price to trap sellers and irritate buyers.

Wen: When without an H. It is what we use to whine about things we want… because if we took the H out of whine, we’d get wine, which would make us forget about whatever it was we were wanting to whine about in the first place. Wen is a much better idea.

Whale: People who have more money than me and make krill out of people who don’t do their homework.

Whitelist: The Fastpass of the NFT world.

Winter: It starts with people shopping for presents, but by the time you get to the end of it, you are totally DONE with the idea of shoveling snow.


Please note that because the terms Cap, Fomo, Fud, and OG are now being used so frequently on CNBC, there is a likelihood of the community being so disgusted by the terms going mainstream that they may be changed without notice. (No cap.)




I am a word artist who is a master at writing but a failure at making money. Oh well, we can't have it all, can we?