UX on a Budget: The Practical Guide

1 min readMay 14, 2017


Over the past couple of months, I’ve been writing a couple of Medium articles and putting together some content for a new eBook that I’ve been creating called ‘UX on a Budget: The Practical Guide’. I’m pleased to say the eBook is now ready to go :)

I’ve made the book free for the first week, and after that I’ll charge a small amount which I then hope to re-invest into creating the next book in the series (pay for illustrations etc).

If you enjoy the resource, any small donation would be appreciated and it would be even better if you could share it far and wide.

I welcome any feedback and hope you enjoy!




Love ⚽️ ⛳️ 🚲 🎸 Design Leader at Atlassian. (Norn) Irish.