Linkybrains Phase 1 Hype is Over — What Next?

2 min readApr 17, 2018


So 4 weeks in later and we have gone from the rambling blog post of mine:

To something. We have had over 50 people write blog posts about them being linkybrains. Quoting space stuff again -“We are not alone”.

I have probably chatted to over 10,000 people in the past 4 weeks, many time in chats with you I have been chats with 5 or 10 other people too….so now you understand why I was so brusk:)

There have been 20 or so coffee meetups and another 50 or so are planned.

Extrapolating things out there are obviously millions of people on the planet who have some unique talents, mostly that are not being utilised fully, who want to make the world a better place and mostly operating solo.

Phase 2 — Part 1

I believe in simplicity — more coffees. Huge leaps start with baby steps.

Coffees are easy, they seem trivial, but they allow new connections, they create trust, continuity, debate, discussion, etc. All with no risk or downside for anyone, only upside possibilities.

These coffees seem so trivial that many people will not value them and many people will not come, many people will stop coming…that is ok, everyone has their own journey. It will appear that not much is happening.

Over time these coffees will create new friendships, new trust relationships, people will help each other because it will be obvious that they should. I envisage the baby steps will be people helping each other on projects/work they are already doing, brilliant. Over time these will grow into other things.

Phase 2 — Part 2

People who are doing great world changing projects will start asking the Linkybrains community if they can help. We will post these projects into the community and ask if anyone can help, some times great connections and great solutions to problems will happen. Many times nothing will happen, that is fine too.

Phase 3

Connections will get stronger, dreams of possibilities will get bigger. Something special much bigger will begin to happen.

All just seems to simple to have any impact eh:):)

