Rules for Modern Chess

Doug Gelsleichter
3 min readJun 12, 2015


Came up with these rules a few weeks ago while I was bored and trudging through writer’s block. Hope you enjoy. Be warned though, they have not been play tested in the slightest. It’s just a lucid idea so let me know if it works or if it’s complete shit. Thanks and enjoy~

Rules of Modern Chess


*note: The classic chess piece in parenthesis after the modern piece indicates where that piece is placed using classic set up.

Tank (rook)

-Moves as a rook. When capturing it always moves one space past the piece it captured is occupying. If another enemy piece is in that space it is also captured. No further move is made. This extra move cannot be made if a friendly piece occupies the next space.

Sniper (bishop)

-Moves as a king. Captures as a bishop.

Infantry (pawns)

-Move and capture as a pawn.

General (king)

-Moves and captures as a king. Any friendly piece within 2 squares of the General acts as if it were a veteran.

Special Ops

-Moves as a queen. Captures as a knight. May also move thru friendly pieces when it captures, but not when it is making a non-capturing move.

The spot of the Knight is filled with a choice from below. You may only pick one of the options and they then take the place of the knight piece.

Spy (knight)

-moves and captures as a king. Any enemy piece the spy is adjacent to may not move, unless it is to capture the spy.

Hero (knight)

-Moves and captures as a rook, but may also move through friendly pieces as a knight would. May also capture enemy pieces as a pawn, on the diagonal — either to the front of the back of the hero.

Air Support (knight)

-Moves as a rook or as a bishop, but must always move the maximum number of spaces it can, legally. It may only stop to capture an enemy piece.

— Rules –

There are two ways to win.

-Capture all of the enemies pieces.

-Advance one of your Generals to the enemies back line. It must stay there, without being captured, for two consecutive turns.

Set up is done by flipping a coin. Winner choses who sets up their pieces first. The winner of the coin toss may decide to forfeit the right to set up first and instead determine which set-up his opponent must use. If you chose to do this you must use the spy as your knight slot choice.

The two set-ups are as follows:

-Classic set-up: This follows the same set-up as classic chess.

-Modern set-up: The pieces of the back row are set-up in any fashion the player wishes.

If a player choses to use the classical set-up then they may set-up their Infantry in any manner they wish, as long as each Infantry is placed within 1 space of where it were to begin.

If an Infantry piece reaches the enemy’s back row it does not get promoted. Instead it can now move backwards and proceed back toward it’s own lines. If an Infantry reaches the enemy’s back line while being a veteran, then it is instead promoted to a Special Ops piece.

On their first move, an Infantry piece may move ahead two spaces or diagonally one.

Veterans: Any piece that captures 3 enemy pieces in the same game is upgraded to a veteran. Veterans do the following:

-An enemy piece cannot capture another piece if doing so would allow the veteran to capture that enemy piece in it’s next move. A move made under these circumstances is considered illegal.

