News and Entertainment Portals and Its Offerings

2 min readJan 23, 2018


Entertainment and news portals are great additions to sources of entertainment for internet users other than social media websites. The pages of these websites have contents that are controversial, funny, heart-warming, and even motivational. At times, the contents from these sites are shared countless times in social media websites.

Some of the most discussed topics online that are shared on social media sites come from these websites. Users of these websites are also able to interact with each other making these sites an interactive repository of news and entertainment. Through these websites, people are not only getting their daily dose of entertainment, but also get to connect with other individuals regardless of sex, culture, religion, and color.

To be updated with all the happenings around the world, you need to go over some of the most discussed topics online. As a source of news and entertainment, these sites present contents that are happening in real life and are very timely. These pages are a good respite from all the negativity that we frequently see and share on social media sites.

Editors and news correspondents from around the world maintain these sites making it an excellent source of viral articles. This OMG News Portal is able to cover what’s going on in different corners of the world because of the locations of their editors. Through the collaboration of these contributors, the site is continuously growing with contents that are fresh, engaging, and appealing to the masses.

Not only are these websites full of viral articles, they also contain videos that can entertain you until the wee hours. Through the real-time news offered by these portals, you remain updated with what’s happening around the globe. Their team of contributors includes those who are working in the media industry. This means that the website is updated with the latest scoop in the government, in entertainment, and even with what’s going on in the streets.

With the smorgasbord of contents you can browse, you are not only given countless hours of entertainment, you are updated with what’s going on around the world. Compared to social media sites, these portals have filters so you can skip those posts that you don’t want to see. The contents they present are categorized, so if you don’t want to see violence and you want positive things you can always narrow your selection to happy and positive posts.

Users of these repositories of news and entertainment are given control over what contents they want to see by using the categories. Unlike in social media sites, all the users have the option to filter the contents they see using the categories. This makes these sites a better alternative to social media platforms when it comes to getting news and entertainment contents. Get some more viral information at

