1 min readNov 18, 2016


There are already political kangaroo courts used to demonise and banish young men who fall out of favour with a woman (or simply fail to acquiesce to her sexual demands) and are accused of sexual misdeeds while at University.

More than one University has admitted reducing educational standards because of the vast sums they have had to pay out in compensation to the falsely accused, who they proceeded to immediately presume guilty and treat accordingly.

The idea that anybody would now encourage violent vigilantes to be anonymously roaming in patrol looking for trouble is just crazy. This utter stupidity has to stop. I can’t expect feminists to stop their nonsense scaremongering (after all, it brings a good income) but I can at least hope that politicians, and sensible men and women, stop listening to it.




Political Commentator on human rights issues; freelance IT systems developer; father; human.