Precision-Recall Curves

Sometimes a curve is worth a thousand words - how to calculate and interpret precision-recall curves in Python.

Doug Steen
7 min readSep 20, 2020

In a previous post, I covered ROC curves and AUC — how to calculate them, and how to interpret them. Today, I’m going to run through another exercise for a similar binary classification performance measure — precision-recall curves.

Precision-Recall Curves

Much like the ROC curve, The precision-recall curve is used for evaluating the performance of binary classification algorithms. It is often used in situations where classes are heavily imbalanced. Also like ROC curves, precision-recall curves provide a graphical representation of a classifier’s performance across many thresholds, rather than a single value (e.g., accuracy, f-1 score, etc.).

Precision and Recall

To understand precision and recall, let’s quickly refresh our memory on the possible outcomes in a binary classification problem. Any prediction relative to labeled data can be a true positive, false positive, true negative, or false negative.

Confusion matrix structure for binary classification problems

The precision-recall curve is constructed by calculating and plotting the precision against the recall for a single classifier at a variety of thresholds. For example, if we use logistic regression, the threshold would be the predicted probability of an observation belonging to the positive class. Normally in logistic regression, if an observation is predicted to belong to the positive class at probability > 0.5, it is labeled as positive. However, we could really choose any probability threshold between 0 and 1. A precision-recall curve helps to visualize how the choice of threshold affects classifier performance, and can even help us select the best threshold for a specific problem.

Precision (also known as positive predictive value) can be represented as:

where TP is the number of true positives and FP is the number of false positives. Precision can be thought of as the fraction of positive predictions that actually belong to the positive class.

Recall (also known as sensitivity) can be represented as:

where TP is the number of true positives and FN is the number of false negatives. Recall can be thought of as the fraction of positive predictions out of all positive instances in the data set.

The figure below demonstrates how some theoretical classifiers would plot on a precision-recall curve. The gray dotted line represents a “baseline” classifier — this classifier would simply predict that all instances belong to the positive class. The purple line represents an ideal classifier — one with perfect precision and recall at all thresholds. Nearly all real-world examples will fall somewhere between these two lines — not perfect, but providing better predictions than the “baseline”. A good classifier will maintain both a high precision and high recall across the graph, and will “hug” the upper right corner in the figure below.

Some theoretical precision-recall curves


Much like ROC curves, we can summarize the information in a precision-recall curve with a single value. This summary metric is the AUC-PR. AUC-PR stands for area under the (precision-recall) curve. Generally, the higher the AUC-PR score, the better a classifier performs for the given task.

One way to calculate AUC-PR is to find the AP, or average precision. The documentation for sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score states, “AP summarizes a precision-recall curve as the weighted mean of precision achieved at each threshold, with the increase in recall from the previous threshold used as the weight.” So, we can think of AP as a kind of weighted-average precision across all thresholds.

In a perfect classifier, AUC-PR =1. In a “baseline” classifier, the AUC-PR will depend on the fraction of observations belonging to the positive class. For example, in a balanced binary classification data set, the “baseline” classifier will have AUC-PR = 0.5. A classifier that provides some predictive value will fall between the “baseline” and perfect classifiers.

Example: Heart Disease Prediction

I’ve always found it a valuable exercise to calculate metrics like the precision-recall curve from scratch — so that’s what I’m going to do with the Heart Disease UCI data set in Python. The data set has 14 attributes, 303 observations, and is typically used to predict whether a patient has heart disease based on the other 13 attributes, which include age, sex, cholesterol level, and other measurements.

Imports & Load Data

Train-Test Split

For this analysis, I’ll use a standard 75% — 25% train-test split.

Logistic Regression Classifier

Before I define a precision and recall function, I’ll fit a vanilla Logistic Regression classifier on the training data, and make predictions on the test set.

Calculating Precision and Recall

With these test predictions, I can write and test a function to calculate the precision and recall. I’ll need to count how many predictions are true positives, false positives, and false negatives. After that, it’s just a little simple math using the precision and recall formulas.

(0.7941176470588235, 0.6923076923076923)

The initial logistic regulation classifier has a precision of 0.79 and recall of 0.69 — not bad! Now let’s get the full picture using precision-recall curves.

Varying the Probability Threshold

To calculate the precision-recall curve, I need to vary the probability threshold that the logistic regression classifier uses to predict whether a patient has heart disease (target=1) or doesn’t (target=0). Remember, while logistic regression is used to assign a class label, what it’s actually doing is determining the probability that an observation belongs to a specific class. In a typical binary classification problem, an observation must have a probability of > 0.5 to be assigned to the positive class. However, in this case, I will vary that threshold probability value incrementally from 0 to 1.

In the code blocks below, I obtain the precision and recall scores across a range of threshold probability values. For comparison, I use logistic regression with (1) no regularization and (2) L2 regularization.

Plotting the Precision-Recall Curve

These curves give the shape we would expect — at thresholds with low recall, the precision is correspondingly high, and at very high recall, the precision begins to drop. The two versions of the classifier have similar performance, but it looks like the l2-regularized version slightly edges out the non-regularized one.

Additionally, both classifiers can achieve a precision score of about 0.8 while only sacrificing minimal recall!

Calculating AUC-PR

The AUC-PR score can be calculated using one of two useful functions in sklearn.metrics. auc() and average_precision_score() will both do the job. The only difference is the inputs required for each function: auc() takes the precision and recall scores themselves, and average_precision_score() takes the test data labels and the classifier’s test prediction probabilities.

LR (No reg.) AUC-PR: 0.91
LR(L2 reg.) AUC-PR: 0.92

LR (No reg.) Avg. Prec.: 0.91
LR (L2 reg.) Avg. Prec.: 0.92

As expected, the two functions for calculating AUC-PR return the same results! The values also confirm what we can see visually on the graph — the l2-regularized classifier performs slightly better than the non-regularized classifier.

Precision-Recall Curves using sklearn

In addition to providing functions to calculate AUC-PR, sklearn also provides a function to efficiently plot a precision-recall curve — sklearn.metrics.plot_precision_recall_curve(). This function requires only a classifier (fit on training data) and the test data as inputs.

As you can see, the output plots include the AP score, which we now know also represents the AUC-PR score.


