A Day in the Life of The Village

The Village
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2016


Courtney M. Class of ‘13

Every day in the Village is different, special, and ideal… But there are many traditions that we students hold close to our hearts. Each day is full of possibility. However, in my opinion, the perfect day in Pontlevoy consists of……

Breakfast….The tastiest one ever — a Boulangerie petit-dejeuner: An extremely tiny coffee, a bottle of OJ, and a flawless pain-au-chocolat. And the best part? All for under $3.oo! (It’s not a terrible idea to grab some pastries for later, too!)

Next, a walk around town is one of the bests parts of any day off in the Village. My favorite stops, of course, include the local park and the view from across the moat. No matter the season, there will always be something beautiful to look at throughout our lovely town. Trying to get lost then making my way back to the center of things is usually an exciting adventure, too.

Midday traditions require a hearty lunch (with unlimited baguette!) at the best place on earth, Le Commerce. Most of the best moments with friends, professors, and locals happen at this daily mealtime.

After consuming a great deal of food, it’s necessary to relax in the front yard. Whether it’s lying in the grass, reading in a hammock in the garden, or mingling with the goats, great fun can be just outside the lovely Abbey.

After sufficient rest, I love to grab an apres-midi coffee at one of the local cafes, either Le Brazza or Bar de la Poste, with classmates or local friends. Coffee is one of the number one staples of the French diet, and you couldn’t ask for friendlier people to serve it to you every afternoon.

The late afternoon has loads of possibilities. While I’m not an avid cyclist back home, I do love an afternoon bike ride around the Loire Valley. On the best of days, I’ll stop with friends and go hunting for mushrooms in the forest. At the ever-friendly pharmacy, they’ll even confirm that all of our mushrooms are safe to eat. Helpful, convenient, but most importantly, delicious! And a beautiful afternoon very well spent.

No matter how good a day is in the village, the night is always full of its own exciting stories. However, my best night usually consists of a beautiful sunset over the Village, a dinner with my welcoming French host family, and a late-night dance party at Le Commerce with my classmates.

And that is the end of the perfect day in the perfect place!



The Village

CEO, Sabatigo. Author. Business founder: wellness and immersive travel experiences. Scholar in French culture, and business and medical history