Present with God: In my Pruning

Doug Rutter
2 min readMar 6, 2018


Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. -John 15:2

I don’t know much about gardening, but the one inescapable fact from Jesus’ words here is that every branch will be cut. Some may be cut off because of their total fruitlessness, others may be trimmed so that they can be more fruitful. But no brach escapes the feel of the pruning sheers entirely. It is a reminder to us that no pain is wasted by God. Every hurt and shock we experience is used for his purpose, either to trim away what is dead or to improve what is alive.

When we experience pain in our lives we are often tempted to assume that God is as shocked and overwhelmed as we feel. Whenever we feel the pain, we immediately turn inward and assume a posture of self-preservation. Whether we find ourselves in the mode of fight, flight or freeze, our response is most often to see only the immediate threat.

Jesus words invite us to draw our attention to God’s purpose in our pain. As you read the rest of this teaching, his message is clear: ABIDE in me. Instead of focusing on the pain at the end of our branches, Jesus calls us to look back to see we are still connected to the vine. Jesus is our vine. He is our grounding and stability. He is our connection to life and all good things. When we intentionally seek an awareness of our abiding connection to him, we can begin to trust that he has a purpose in our pain.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Invite him into the pain you are experiencing. Allow him to comfort you with the reality that you are still connected to him. Ask him to comfort and encourage you and to cause you to trust in the plan he is working in your pain. Ask him to give you a peace and a calm that transcends your fears. Thank him for the way that he has made you aware of his presence during this time.

