Can You Save Ageing Skin?

Doug Setter
3 min readMar 30, 2020


Can you save ageing skin? How about damaged skin?

To start with, how do you find how old your skin is? Number of wrinkles? Depth of wrinkles? Spots? Elasticity?

A quick and easy exam is the Snap Test. Just place your hand flat on a surface and with your free hand pinch and pull a piece of skin. Hold it for five seconds. Then, let it go quickly and watch how long it “snaps” back into place.

I compared my snap test to my 11 year old daughter. My skin took about three seconds to settle back to normal. While my daughter’s skin was flat almost instantly.

The snap test can be used to test skin products. Just put the skin product on the back of one hand. Then snap test the backs of both hands against one another. I have seen this work in real life when testing a skin product. In a test case, I did notice that the skin of the treated hand did snap back quicker.

However, the treated skin could have snapped back faster due to the removal of old skin or the skin being massaged with the skin product. So, the results could have been a bit superficial.

This is why I believe the the internal sources of skin protection are as important as the external precautions.

Before we explain how to save ageing skin, let’s explore what is known about why our body cover ages in the first place.

First consider what cracked plastic, worn windshield wipers and rigid, vulcanised rubber have in common with wrinkled human skin? They all have undergone a rigidity from chemical reactions. These chemical reactions are similar to what causes your skin to become hard, brittle and less elastic. The main villains that age these products and human skin are: aldehydes (from alcohol, tobacco, pollutants) ozone, x-rays and ultra violent light.

But, don’t worry. We can still save that ageing skin.

A healthy lifestyle is the best approach to nourish and protect one’s skin. One only has to observe the smooth, healthy skin of some cultures, like the Polynesians, to realise that their lifestyle is beneficial for their skin. Some of the theories behind their beautiful skin involves their consumption of papaya and pineapple. These foods reportedly dissolve the hardening ageing-type proteins in the body. (But, some people with ulcers or other conditions cannot eat them.) So, the right food is paramount.

But, since the Garden of Eden is long gone and we have to do the best that we can. I can only recommend fresh, high-protein, low sugar eating. Sugar dries out the skin. End of story. If you don’t believe me, put a paste of sugar and water on your skin and watch it dry the area. (This paste works great on drawing out infections.)

Even good nutrition can be assisted As for supplements, I always take higher than minimal dosages. Vitamins A, B, C and E will nourish and protect the skin. Minerals, such as zinc and selenium also protect the skin. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone (of the Perricone Perscription) anti-wrinkle formulae dosages are vitamin A 5,000 IU, (B Vitamins vary, so go with a minimal of 25 mg), vitamin C 500–1,000 mg & vitamin E 400–800 IU.

Having regular exercise is a no-brainer. It improves circulation and body functions, which help keep the skin clean and healthy. Often exercising involves sweating. Sweat is normal and it releases skin-harming toxins in the body. A good workout, followed by a sauna raises your body’s T-cells and builds resistance against infections and illnesses. Good for your body, good for your skin.

The sauna also helps with restorative sleep. A good sleep allows the body to regenerate itself…including the skin. Get your rest. Your skin, like any other organ, needs it.

Lastly, I will share a skin-preserving tip with you. A friend of mine, (now in her 60s) explained that she always rubbed a solution of vitamin C powder and water on her facial skin every morning. Even after 60 years of age, she had better skin than many 20 year olds.

Learn other anti-ageing methods in Flat Gut After 50.



Doug Setter

Doug Setter is a former soldier, trainer, manager, published author (Flat Gut After 50, Reduce Your Alcohol Craving). Reach him at: