DoWallet Welcomes ERC20 Tokens

We are proud to announce today that DoWallet users will now be able to receive, store, and send some of the most exciting tokens in this ecosystem.

Some of the most exciting projects in digital assets and blockchain are based on the ERC20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain. We are proud to announce today that DoWallet users will now be able to receive, store, and send some of the most exciting tokens in this ecosystem. We are adding tokens on a one-by-one basis based on projects that we support and find most useful for our users and as our community requests them, add more on the go.

Here are the tokens that we will be available in this next version and why we like them.

Maker Dao (MakerDAO — MKR): Dai is one of the most exciting stablecoins and the fastest growing one! We love the ingenuity of a dollar-based, ETH-backed stablecoin that is completely decentralized and not dependent on audited dollar reserves in a bank. MKR is the governance token that allows Dai to trade as close as possible to the US Dollar.

Basic Attention Token (Basic Attention Token — BAT): Getting paid to watch ads or to rate content online? Sounds awesome! With BAT and Brave Browser, executing micro transactions to reward influencers and content generators is finally viable! We love this project, and we love Brave browser for its focus on the users and their privacy.

Paxos Standard Token (Paxos Standard token — PAX): We had to offer our users this tokens which is one of the most reputable and trusted US-Dollar backed stablecoins. Stablecoins are the future of peer to peer transactions combining the 'uncensorability' of crypto and the stability of the US Dollar.

Chainlink (ChainLink — LINK): The a-ha of Ethereum was the ability to add metadata and eventually smart contracts onto a blockchain. Chainlink has come out at the forefront of the smart contract application, partnering with the world’s greatest names to create real world implementations along with the connectors and APIs to enable them.

0x (ZRX): Decentralized exchanges will one day remove all middle men and allow peer to peer swapping of assets at near-zero costs. 0x is the protocol that allows for Ethereum-based tokens to be exchanged peer to peer. We like tokens that power revolutions!

OmiseGO (@omise_go — OMG): Similar to 0x, the OMG network powers self-sovereign financial services. Like the former chairman of Nasdaq said — today all assets on Wall Street can be tokenized. In 5 years, all assets WILL! Don’t be surprised if OMG Network is the infrastructure behind a lot of it.

If you are a DoWallet user and you would like to request that we add more ERC20 tokens to this list, write to us at

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