Finding your Style as an Illustrator

3 min readJun 6, 2019


Upcoming illustrators keep asking how they can find their own style. Some already established artists out there would suggest you keep doing what you do, and with time, your style will eventually emerge. This is true, but sometimes, new Illustrators (beginners) may find this extremely difficult to get, they just want their own style quickly. There’s no shortcut to archiving this, you just need to work hard, keep practicing and take note. Sometimes, your style may find you on its own, but if your style is taking like forever to find you, it’s also okay to go find that style yourself.

Here are 3 things you can do if you need your own style:

1. Keep Practicing

keep practicing & illustrating is one obvious way to learn & get better. By practicing, you train yourself by doing something over and over again until you become good at it. Having your own style is being able to do something again and again just the way you like it or know how to. Your drawings doesn’t need to be perfect, if you like it that way, then stick to that method & keep doing it that way. Don’t aim for perfection, aim for uniqueness.

2. See other artists’ work

There’s nothing wrong in going through portfolios of some popular illustrators out there that you admire. Going through their works give you an idea of what style is about, not to emulate. Your illustration style will be based on sticking to one particular method of illustrating. If you take a look at the portfolios of some artists out there, you can see that each of them have a unique way of illustrating, so should you. Don’t be them, be different, be yourself.

3. Take Note of everything

When illustrating, try to always take note of all you are doing & how you are doing those things. Take note of maybe the colors you use often, your favorite paint brush, etc. Finding a style is having one particular method of doing something & choosing to stick to that method. For example, the way you draw the human Eyes doesn’t need to be like the real human Eyes, as long as you’re okay with the way you draw it, then stick to it, that’s what style is about (having a unique way of doing your thing).


We humans are unique in our own way, so should our works. I always believe it’s better to have a single style, than having multiple styles. Your style is your signature through which anyone paying attention to your work can tell who created the work. Having your own style is embedding a piece of information in each of your work, and that information is who created it. You don’t need to tell everyone that you did the work, the information is aready there. Your fans can easily tell a particular work belongs to you just by looking at it.

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