My TIIDELab Experience 1.0- My Journey into the Tech Wonderland.

Damilola Oyedunmade
4 min readAug 3, 2023


Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, for I am about to take you on a whirlwind adventure through my remarkable month at TIIDELab Cohort 05! But before we delve into the magic, let’s rewind to the beginning of my epic journey — a tale of passion, determination, and soaring aspirations.

It all began with my enchanting Prefollowship experience, where I fell head over heels in love with the tech universe! With thousands of applicants vying for just a handful of spots, the odds seemed insurmountable. Yet, I held my head high and let the fire of faith burn bright within me. Scaling through each challenge, I defied the odds, and here I stand, finally, a part of this extraordinary fellowship!

Congratulatory Message.

My Journey as a Fellow!

Oh, what a journey it has been! Day in and day out, TIIDELab has been our guiding star, leading us toward becoming formidable software developers. The road has been challenging, but as they say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

The curtain was raised with a heartwarming onboarding session, where we were welcomed into the TIIDELab family with open arms. The Founder’s soulful talk inspired us to make a meaningful impact on society, filling our hearts with purpose and determination.

From there, our days were a rollercoaster of thrilling activities! CCAT, stand-up sessions, Guest Leaders series, coding partner sessions, peer learnings, and daily presentations — our schedule was packed to the brim! But every moment was a step closer to growth and progress, and we cherished every exhilarating challenge.

And oh, the things I’ve learned!

Technical Skills:

Technical skills flowed like magic, as we;

Mastered Git and GitHub,

Delved into Data Structures and Algorithms,

Became maestros of Advanced HTML and CSS.

Tailwind CSS, we soared to new heights, creating stunning web pages that left us in awe of our own talents.

I was able to apply these learnings to build a series of web pages:


My Portfolio
Rosewoods_Hotel Website.

But that’s not all —

Professional Development Skills:

TIIDELab taught us the art of being more than just developers. We embraced professional development skills like team-building, problem-solving, and decision-making which we have every Friday via physical meetups and virtually. Optimizing our resumes and social media presence became second nature, and we honed our interview skills like seasoned pros. We also discussed having the right attitude to be successful, Securing your income in the future, and Effective communication & public speaking, amongst others.

Physical Meetup.

My Achievements and My Team:

In the magical realm of TIIDELab, During the second edition of the HOH challenge, I found myself unexpectedly crowned as the Head of the House (HOH). At first, the honor felt overwhelming, but I humbly embraced the responsibilities and navigated through them with determination and help from my co-head and other fellows. In my enduring role as the Head of House, we were grouped into six teams, and I proudly took the reins as the team lead for The Bitmasters — a remarkable assembly of kind-hearted souls, brilliant minds, and unwavering determination. Together, we embarked on a journey of accomplishments, conquering numerous tasks with honor and grace. As we strive to master the digital realm bit by bit, our hearts are alight with joy and celebration for the progress we’ve achieved, hand in hand.

Second HOH.
Team Leads.

Before I take my final bow, I must express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you, Mr. Kadir Salami, for creating this extraordinary opportunity. And to the generous sponsors, Nigeria Employers Consultative Association (NECA) and Industrial Training Funds (ITF Nigeria), thank you for believing in us. A special shout-out to Mr. Shamsudeen Aderoju, our guiding star. Thank you, TIIDELab Management, for this unforgettable adventure — your navigation will lead us to greatness!

As we move forward, I leave myself, and other fellows with a powerful reminder: “It’s hard starting and finishing, but staying consistent is the hardest.” Together, we’ll conquer the tech world, one byte at a time. Thank you, Let’s embrace the magic that lies ahead!

