Jordan Peterson’s Infuriating Take on the Resurrection

Resurrection? Well, it depends what you mean by lobster.

5 min readMay 29, 2024
Jordan Peterson with Alex O’Connor on Youtube

Jordan Peterson recently did an interview with Alex O’Connor, aka CosmicSkeptic, who pushed him about as far as anyone has managed to on his actual relation to Christian belief. Peterson usually answers any questions about what he actually believes with meandering avenues of obscurity characterised by the “it depends what you mean by…” that has by this point essentially become a meme.

So by now many have become bored of his tail chasing shtick. As Nietzsche put it “Those who know they are profound strive for clarity. Those who want to seem profound strive for obscurity”. At some point “it depends what you mean” has to be followed by some kind of definition besides the self indulgent, or else what it means is, well, nothing.

However Alex O’Connor (who is an atheist) pushes him as far as he can about the actual nature of the resurrection. Peterson starts in his usual fashion, saying “I believe the (gospel) accounts but I don’t know what they mean.” O’Conner asks if he believes they are things that happened, Peterson says evasively “that’s a strange thing...”

Same old. O’Connor tries again, “if I went back in time with a panasonic video camera and put that camera in front of the tomb…

