Louise Perry and the Case Against the Sexual Revolution

5 min readMay 26, 2023

The Case

If you follow the vaguely conservative podcast world you might be familiar with Louise Perry, who has done the rounds recently after releasing a book called ‘The Case Against the Sexual Revolution’. In it she argues that the liberating of sex and the general abandoning of marriage as a valued institution has essentially been terrible for society as a whole but most especially for women.

This is a broad argument but there are several aspects to it. Firstly that the modern sexually liberated world essentially expects women to behave like men sexually, in other words to act in a way contrary to most of evolutionary history up until the very recent moment. Because of the risk and pain of pregnancy and childbirth and the extended period of dependency women have after giving birth they have not evolved to be sexually promiscuous, but rather to seek nurturing and stable monogamy. She argues that dispensing with all of this and divorcing sex from relationship into a kind of self-seeking pleasure is bad psychologically for everyone.

She also makes the point that while it is claimed to be feminism that has ‘liberated’ women, most of the significant changes have occured because of technological advances such as the washing machine, contraception, an information insead of labour based workplace…

