The Top Cybersecurity Threats IT Professionals Face Today (And How To Guard Against Them)

8 min readNov 26, 2023
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

IT environments today face an array of sophisticated cyber threats capable of causing major business disruption, from phishing and ransomware to data breaches, network intrusions and insider risks. This article outlines key challenges technology leaders need to plan for and core mitigation strategies that organizations should implement.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing represents one of the most common and dangerous digital attack vectors. Phishing involves cyber criminals sending fake emails or texts designed to trick users into handing over logins, installing malware or sharing other sensitive data.

For example, users may receive messages that seem to come from trusted contacts asking for personal details or that have infected attachments. Other phishing attempts embed links to dummy login pages to harvest credentials. The most insidious phishing content often takes the form of realistic software renewal notices or notifications around account lockouts in order to spur targets to action.

Once opened by unwitting recipients, phishing emails can initialize malware installation for long term data exfiltration. They may also spread viruses throughout business networks or provide hackers a foothold to gain elevated…




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