Deep Dreaming…

Mano Bharathi
2 min readFeb 20, 2023


Deep Dreaming

Deep Dreaming is a technique of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses neural networks to generate and enhance images. It was first introduced by Google in 2015 and has since gained popularity as a tool for creating surreal and psychedelic images and videos.

The process of deep dreaming involves training a neural network on a large dataset of images, such as photographs or paintings. The network learns to recognize and classify different features in the images, such as shapes, colors, and textures.

Once the network has been trained, it can be used to generate new images by modifying existing ones. This is done by inputting an image into the network and asking it to enhance certain features or patterns in the image.

The output of the deep dreaming process is often described as a hallucination or dreamlike image, with exaggerated or distorted features that are not present in the original image. For example, an image of a bird might be enhanced to show multiple eyes, wings, or beaks, creating a surreal and abstract version of the original image.

Deep Dreaming has been used in various fields, including art, design, and entertainment. It has also been applied in scientific research, such as in the analysis of medical images or the identification of patterns in large datasets.

While deep dreaming can produce visually stunning and intriguing images, it is still a relatively new technology and its long-term implications and potential risks are not fully understood. As with any AI technology, it is important to consider ethical and social implications, such as the potential for biased or discriminatory outcomes, privacy concerns, and the impact on human creativity and labor.



Mano Bharathi

Student. Writer. Question Enthusiast. Full Stack Engineer. Freelancer