
Taking a Strong Position Against Strong Positions

Never do X, Always do Y

Dan Polaske
2 min readJun 29, 2013


It seems like most posts I read on tech blogs these days feature an author taking a strong position. It is always something like, never do this, always do that, or this company will win, that company will fail. The most popular posts are usually strong positions that are somewhat contrarian. I have read posts saying coffee meetings are a waste of time and a distraction. And on the other side of the spectrum I have read posts encouraging you to take 5 coffee meetings a week (a must read from Mark Suster). The reality is both positions can be correct with the given circumstances. A young entrepreneur with a small network should be taking at least 5 coffee meetings a week, maybe more. However, someone more established with a strong network may need to stay more focused on execution and 1-2 coffee meetings a week may make more sense. My point is reality lies somewhere in the middle of this sea of strong positions. Despite the title of my post I am not against posts that take strong positions. I enjoy reading them and will continue writing them myself. However, I do not let these strong positions hold me captive. I read these posts knowing that reality is not so black and white, more often than not it is grey.


