Complementarity A Key Element In The Bazi Compatibility Chart

Diem Quynh
4 min readMay 13, 2023


In Chinese astrology, the notion of BaZi Compatibility describes the degree to which two people are suited to one another. It is believed that a person’s character, aptitudes, and future can be gleaned from their BaZi chart, which is calculated using the year, month, day, and hour of their birth.

1. Bazi Compatibility’s fundamental principle

BaZi Compatibility is based on a foundational idea of complementarity. This term alludes to the belief that couples who share similar BaZi charts are more likely to enjoy a long and happy life together. BaZi Compatibility takes its cues from the Five Elements theory, a cornerstone of both Chinese thought and TCM, to determine whether two people are likely to be compatible with one another. Water represents flexibility and adaptability, while earth represents stability and nurturing, fire represents passion and energy, metal represents accuracy and clarity, and fire represents growth and expansion.

2. Other factors besides alignment affect BaZi Compatibility

Not only complementarity, but there are many more elements that can influence BaZi Compatibility. BaZi analysis is intricate and nuanced; a BaZi consultant may provide a more thorough and specific reading of one’s BaZi chart and compatibility.

When the elements in two BaZi charts are in direct opposition to one another, this is seen as a clash or harm in BaZi Compatibility. A conflict or injury may occur between two people if, for instance, one of them has a strong Fire element in their BaZi chart and the other has a strong Water element in theirs. This might cause tension and difficulties in the partnership.

When two BaZi charts have complementary aspects that combine to generate a stronger element, this is known as a combination in the field of BaZi Compatibility. If both partners’ BaZi charts feature dominant Wood components, for instance, and neither features a dominant Earth element, the two can combine to create a more powerful Wood element. A partnership built on such harmony and mutual support is possible.

The Five Elements and the BaZi chart are analyzed with the help of a set of deities called the Ten Gods. In addition to influencing BaZi Compatibility, the Ten Gods can provide light on a person’s character, aptitudes, and flaws. To give an example, two people who both have prominent Output elements in their BaZi charts may get along well together because both value supporting and nurturing others.

BaZi charts are dynamic and can evolve over time. The BaZi chart is a tool for predicting a person’s future based on a series of cycles known as “Luck Pillars.” Over time, the Luck Pillars of a couple might have an impact on their BaZi Compatibility. One can be suited with someone who is nurturing and supportive if their Luck Pillar predicts a time of growth and expansion.

3. Give specific examples of how Bazi Compatibility worked

Now, think about two people we’ll call A and B. As for the zodiac signs, A was born in the year of the Rat, whereas B was born in the year of the Monkey. The Rat represents the element of Water in the Five Elements system, while the Monkey represents the element of Metal.

The Water element, which stands for malleability and versatility, may be prominent in Person A’s BaZi chart. However, an overabundance of water can cause confusion and a lack of purpose. On the other side, the Metal element, which stands for exactness and clarity, may be particularly prominent in Person B’s BaZi chart. On the other hand, an excess of metal can lead to stiffness and hardness.

If A and B share complementary BaZi charts, it’s possible they’d get along. According to the principles of BaZi Compatibility, a relationship between a Water person and a Metal person will be mutually beneficial. It’s possible that Person A’s openness to change and growth might play well off of Person B’s analytical rigor and clarity.

When determining whether or not two people are compatible according to BaZi, this is obviously just one example out of a large number of other considerations. It does, however, show how complementary traits can be taken into account when assessing a couple’s BaZi Compatibility.

