Dig Into the 5 Elements Reference to the Feng Shui Of The Earth Element

Diem Quynh
4 min readJul 2, 2023


The Earth element is one of the 5 that make up feng shui. Feng shui design that makes good use of the earth element can improve the flow of chi, or energy, in a person’s home, office, or other location. To bring about equilibrium and harmony, you can employ the earth element by activating it with certain materials, or by bolstering or balancing it with other 5 elements.

1. Characteristic features of the Earth Element

The yin, feminine, and receptive qualities of the earth element predominate. That said, it’s also capable of taking on a more robustly male mode of expression. The energy that is associated with the earth element is balancing and centered, much like the planet that it is named for. The earth stands for the transitional period between the four seasons and the 5 Elements.

Other attributes Earth Elements attributes:

  • It’s connected to the numbers 5 and 10.
  • The yellow snake is the principal emblem of Earth’s animal representation.
  • Saturn is the planetary sign for this sign.
  • The square is the most iconic symbol of Earth.

2. The role of Earth in the destructive cycle

Wood weakens earth, and earth weakens water, in the destructive cycle. In this way, a few ornamental items connected with the wood in 5 element can be used to tone down the dominance of the earth element.

3. The Role of the Earth in the Creative Cycle

In the cycle of production, fire fortifies earth, and earth, in turn, fortifies metal. So, employ ornamental materials and colors connected with the fire in 5 element if you need to nourish or strengthen the earth components. Similarly, places with a focus on metal might benefit from earthy tones and accents.

4. Colors associated with the Earth Elements in Feng Shui

To emphasize the earthy quality of a room’s design, neutral earth tones like yellow, tan, ecru, and light brown are recommended.

5. Decorative Items That Help Earth’s Energy

Tone and crystals, salt lamps, clay or terracotta artifacts, earthenware accents, a zen garden, and artwork depicting earthly subjects are all examples of earth-inspired decor.

6. Earth Element on the Traditional Bagua

Earth energies are represented on the traditional bagua by the Earth and Mountain trigrams.

The Kūn trigram consists of three yin lines and is occasionally spelled as Kūn. Kūn is located in the southwest sector of the bagua and is linked to the domain of love and marriage. Identifying the Kūn sector influencing love, relationships, and marriage requires taking compass readings in the dwelling, room, or location in question.

Decorating the southwest region with earth components and the aforementioned colors generates positive chi for love, marriage, and partnerships. The ground in this location can be fortified with the use of fire components.

‘Ken’ is another common spelling of this name. The mountain trigram has two yin lines and a yang line on top. Northeast is the sector of any room, dwelling, or place that is associated with knowledge and wisdom, according to the traditional bagua.

Wisdom and understanding may be bolstered by surrounding oneself with the aforementioned earthy décor and color palette. Bringing in ornamental things connected with the fire in 5 element may also help enhance earth in places where it is lacking.

7. The Western Bagua Earth Element

In western feng shui, compass directions aren’t used. Instead, the nine sectors of this black hat bagua are based on their proximity to the entrance. The following directions in western feng shui are associated with earth in 5 elements.

When approaching the entrance from the outside, the love and relationships section is on your right. You may fortify this area by decorating using the colors and materials shown above.

In any room, the luckiest spot is dead center, with the entrance facing inward. As said before, including earth components into space can improve the chi.

From the entrance door heading inside, the area on the left is where you’ll find the most wisdom and development. You may bolster these qualities by decorating with earth tones and adding some fire accents.

To avoid causing chaotic chi, practitioners of feng shui should pick either the western or traditional school and arrange their space properly.

8. The Earth Element Is Considered to Be Supportive in Feng Shui

The soil provides the basis for your daily existence. In the same way that it serves as a physical anchor, the earth element also serves as an energy one, providing stability and grounding. A more grounded and focused vibe may be achieved by strategically placing elements of the soil in your home, workplace, and recreational locations.

