Find Out Everything You Need To Know About The Feng Shui Fire In 5 Elements

Diem Quynh
5 min readJul 2, 2023


Warmth, passion, and change are all attributes of the Feng Shui Fire Element, one of the 5 elements of nature. Many people think that, when employed correctly, it may bring about the greatest amount of change and transformation of any element. The fire element is commonly employed in Feng Shui to evoke feelings of enthusiasm, passion, and innovation.

1. Baguas and the Fire in 5 Element Feng Shui

On the bagua, the symbol for fire is the li trigram, which is shown as one yin line in the center of two yang lines on either side.

1.1. The Bagua of the Early Heaven (Pre-Heaven)

Balanced with its opposite, ka, associated with the element of water (one yang surrounded by two yin lines), li resides in the 9 o’clock (East) position of the pre-celestial and dealing with true, pure consciousness without physicality. The li trigram represents the birth of fire and the beginning of warmer weather in the pre-heaven bagua. Summer is prime fire season.

1.2. Post-Heaven (Late Heaven)

The li trigram, signifying South, is located at 12 o’clock on the post-heaven bagua (also known as post-celestial and dealing with energy manifested into physical form). In feng shui, the location of li corresponds to the renown and reputation sector of your house or office. Adding fire features to the li sector of a house or office, then, is a good way to boost the vitality of that area.

2. The Properties of Fire Element one of the two: Yin or Yang

Fire is mostly yang, which means it is male and aggressive, thanks to its two yang lines and one yin line. To many, it represents the epitome of masculinity among the 5 elements. Fire, like other 5 elements, contains both yin and yang, but it’s vital to remember that the yin is more subdued.

3. The Different Colors That the Feng Shui Fire Element Comes In

Red, or various degrees of red, is the color most commonly associated with fire. When fire is yin and more feminine, it is represented by the color purple.

4. The Role of Fire Element in Creative and Destructive Cycles

The cyclical aspect of nature is acknowledged and described in feng shui. Every part of the building process is bolstered by others, and in turn helps bolster others, in a virtuous circle of support and reinforcement. Each 5 element both weakens and is weakened by others in an endless circle of annihilation.

In the creative process, wood both nurtures a fire and the ground it ultimately covers. Fire is weakened by water (dousing it) and metal is weakened by fire (melting it) in the destructive cycle.

5. Characteristics of the Fire Element person

The good and negative qualities connected with fire include the following: heat; desire; manhood; action; wrath; aggressiveness; leadership; vision; love; spiritual; happiness; arrogance; frustration; and sadness. Just as fire burns brightly, the characteristics linked with it tend to be those that evoke strong feelings.

6. Ways to balance Fire Element Energies With Feng Shui

Both fire and other 5 elements can be employed to counteract the destructive potential of one another.

To boost your Fire Power: The following items may be used to increase the presence of fire in any room of your house or office: Lighting such as candles, a fireplace, and brilliant lights, as well as artwork depicting fire or flames. The use of red and purple in any form, whether it be furniture or paint, is discouraged. Wooden materials can be used to feed fires in fireplaces or stoves. Wooden furniture or other items, things with earthy tones (brown or green), and images of flora and trees all fall into this category.

Fire energy may be mitigated in a number of ways if it becomes too intense in a given location. Fire may be tamed by strategically placing waterfalls, tanks, pictures of water, mirrors, and blue objects throughout your home.

7. Fire enhances or stabilizes other 5 elements

Fire components can be used to fortify earth in your home’s earth zones. The same holds true for dealing with an excess of metal energy; using fire elements can help. Zones of good Feng Shui where the Fire Element can flourish. While it’s important to have all 5 elements throughout your home, certain rooms will do better with more fire energy than others. The following are some of the best spots in your house or office to take advantage of fire energy:

Put fires in the south, northeast, and southwest corners of your house to increase positive energy in those areas. You should position fire components in the li region of your house or workplace (the precise placement of this area differs depending on whether you practice western or traditional feng shui).

If you want the vibe to be fiery, dynamic, and alive, add fire components there. Fire up your workspace for more professional success. Having a fire element in your home might be beneficial if your front entrance is located in the north. You can decide to use crimson paint on your entrance door.

Add some modest components of fire (candles, for example) to the bedroom in order to increase the level of passion in a relationship; nevertheless, do it in a responsible manner so as not to disturb the calm atmosphere that is important for getting enough sleep. Avoid having fires in places where you need to concentrate intently, such as a meditation or study space.

