Dr. Jenn-X
3 min readMay 19, 2023

The abduction of Nikaya~

Part 1

April 10th 1996, dawned a bright day on the big island of Hawaii, and Jesse, a single mother to her 6-month-old daughter Nikaya, awoke to take care of her. They had big plans to go shopping with Jesse’s friend Abigail whom she met while 5 months pregnant by Noah — a former boyfriend who worked with Abigail’s husband, Pete, at the local marina.

Having just broken up with the father of her child, Jesse, a single mother, struggling with self-esteem issues since child hood — these had begun to surface after a devastating break-up with Noah.

Jesse and Noah, a young boy from the area, started a relationship in August 1994: Five months later, Jesse became pregnant. Like a lot of young girls who fall head-over-heels in love at first sight, with Noah it tending to be less versus more than meets the eye. While he may have been handsome, he lacked any real substance, and was the king of sending mixed messages: The only thing’s he had going for him. In spite of this — Jesse delighted in the continued attention he gave her. Having spent the majority of her pregnancy alone, with Noah absent during most of the pregnancy, Jesse became resentful.

After the initial partying with Noah, it all came to a halt when Jesse learned she was pregnant. In truth, Jesse didn’t know the first thing about healthy love having been raised by an abusive, alcoholic father. In search of the love and attention Jesse did not receive from her father — she had been willing to accept far less than she deserved from a partner. Therefore, the introduction of a new friend brought about some much needed hope and joy to Jesse’s life.

Jesse heard a car horn and looked out the window to see Abigail in her car waiting for her with her own two kids in tow, a little boy and girl. Jesse got in and buckled her daughter into her car seat, and the easy girl talk conversation began to flow, as they went into town to shop. When they arrived back at Abigail’s to prepare dinner, the kids played in the yard. They all sat and enjoyed a meal — Jesse’s friend, her friend’s husband Pete, and the kids.

Once the dishes were washed and put away, Jesse tucked her daughter into bed for the night while the adults sat down for a movie. Not long into the movie, Jesse decided to retire early, joining her daughter in the guest room. At midnight, Jesse came out of her room to find Abigail sitting in the living room visibly upset and rambling on about things she was unaware of — something to do with Pete and his sister Norah and events that had occurred when Noah was a boy.

She said Pete had committed lascivious acts against Noah, and Pete had, in turn, accused Noah of robbing their childhood home. Abigail was not shocked when Jesse mentioned some of the issues she had been having with Noah relating to his reluctance to take responsibility for his daughter. When Abigail mentioned Noah’s issues, and started gossiping about him, and his past with her husband’s family — Jesse got very upset. She went on to say that Pete’s sister Norah had firsthand knowledge of Noah’s transgressions, and that she had always had a crush on him. Norah wanted a baby, and delighted in the thought of having Noah’s.

I t seemed to Jesse that Abigail was trying to stir up trouble, so Jesse decided to go back to bed. When Jesse woke she noticed Abigail on the phone having a heated discussion with someone. Based on what she overheard — it was clear she had been speaking to Norah whom Abigail had invited over for breakfast. Knowing what Jesse now knew about Norah, it made her vey uneasy, so she decided she was going to leave. Jesse searched for her cell phone to call someone — anyone!

When Jesse emerged from her room, she noticed Norah sitting with Abigail, sharing a meal. As Jesse began to gather her things and unable to find her phone, she noticed a police officer entering Abigail’s home. She couldn’t understand why an officer wouldn’t intervene as he moved to Abigail and stood near her — watching the scene unfold.

To be Continued…

Dr. Jenn-X

Author, Healer, Animal Communicator & Spiritual ADVISOR