Are there any symptoms of prostate cancer?

Dr.Chintaman Chaudhari
2 min readMar 3, 2020


Early prostate cancer does not show up any signs or symptoms. They can be found through screening. If prostate cancer increases to a certain level it can sometimes cause symptoms.

You will usually be able to identify symptoms if cancer grows near the urethra i.e the tube from where you urinate and applies pressure against it, changing the way you urinate. But as prostate cancer starts to grow on the outer part, it doesn’t often apply pressure on the urethra and so the symptoms aren’t visible.

Advanced prostate cancer can sometimes cause symptoms, such as:

· Frequent need for urination, especially at night

· Difficulty in starting to urinate, including a slow or weak urinary stream

· Blood in the urine

· Blood in the semen

· Erectile dysfunction

· Pain in hips, spine, ribs, or other areas due to cancer spread to bones.

· The feeling of bladder not getting empty even after urinating multiple times.

· Urgent need to urinate- for eg. urine leakage before you reach the toilet.

· Pain or burning sensation while urinating (it is less common)

· Weakness or numb feeling in legs.

· Loss of bowel control due to cancer pressing on the spinal cord.

· Trouble or pain while sitting, due to enlarged prostate.

The above symptoms can also be caused by other problems rather than prostate cancer, but to be rest assured it would be good to consult a Urologist, as they can perform the necessary test and provide you the right treatment if needed.

