Friendship: God’s way

A poem about our creators relationship with man over the Old Testament period

Dr. David H Akehurst
4 min readJan 9, 2020

Eternity abounds with God — Father, Son and Holy Ghost
“Relationship between us three is great”, He states,
“This is so good, why don’t we share and spread our love
Let us create a universe, worlds, and men to be our mates.”

The word is spoken, breath is breathed and all around is formed
In to it all God puts Himself and His creative spark of life
Light and dark, Heaven and earth, water land and sky
To rule it all, and with free choice, Man with his fantastic wife.

Adam and Eve, the first to be, live in peace and walk with God
A perfect time, until they make their first bad choice
Their Maker, hurt and sad, knows that He must give them time
To be alone and work it out, whilst He prepares a gift of grace

From bad to worse at first it goes, brothers war and kill
Mankind turns bad and God cries out “What have we done?
Do I need to start again?” Not all is broken, a friend I have
A righteous man amongst them all, Noah is the one.



Dr. David H Akehurst

Consultant, Engineer, Researcher, Philosopher, and above all a proud father. Enjoys work, martial arts and playing with his children. Works for