Life/Lines & Liminality

All the World’s a Stage

Ellen Conner, 筋 の 光 の 心
1 min readApr 10, 2024

Zooming In & Out on the Micro/Macro — Scope

Things Be/Come Crystal Clear

It’s All Connected

Every Action & it’s Re/Action

Every Choice & it’s Consequence

The Arcs Ebb & Flow

Highs & Lows

Pole to Pole

Our Frequencies are Woven in to the Collective Narrative

We Play our Roles

Seeking Purpose

There’s a Point on the Horizon where every Perspective Overlaps & Blurs into One, Singularity.

A Point where it’s Impossible to tell where the Ground Ends and the Sky Begins.

The Liminal Zone where anything’s possible in between what’s Known & Unknown.



That’s Where We All Find Common Ground to Stand On

The only thing that prevents people from visiting is FEAR and having Hate in their Hearts.

Fear is the Mind-Killer

It Destroys Imagi/Nation

HelloDrama!! Keeps Our Feet from Standing on Common Ground

Stop FEAR-ing what makes us all different. Stop Compartmentalizing Consciousness rather than FAFO how much we actually have in Common.



Ellen Conner, 筋 の 光 の 心

PhD Cellular and Molecular Biology, Mitochondrial Redox Signaling, Energetic exchanges: You get what you give. I have No Great Expectations