4 secrets of the world’s longest living woman to help you live longer and be in a better shape as you age :

that's my cup of tea
4 min readMay 29, 2023


So many people think that how long and how well you live are closely tied to your genetic markup.

But as science advances the link between genetics and health continues to weaken everyday but instead our dailly choices are more responsible

Here are 4 easy habits of the longest living people that you do daily to live your 70’s as if you were 30 :

1/ don’t overeat and maintain regular intervals between meals :

overeating is closely tied to obesity which increases to risk of many diseases including brain damage as new research has shown that Alzheimer’s disease is just diabetes type 3 of the brain

therefor it is essential that you take back control and try everyday to consciously chose when and how much to eat , as being distracted while eating is one of the biggest reasons to overindulging

2/ instead of cutting food from your diet , try ADDING :

so many people tend to approach diet with the mindset of eating less , which certainly works , but it is hard to maintain in busy daily lives . so why don’t you try adding to your diet instead :

  • add supplements to your morning routine such as : vitamin D , omega 3 , probiotics .. Sounds too much just grab a one pill multi-vitamin.
  • before you have your usual breakfast start off with a cup of water and a natural juice of some sort for example : celery juice , [ apple + beets + carrot ] don’t forget to add water .
  • if you have a busy morning a store bought green powder to add to your water works miracles
  • add protein to your breakfast : it could be eggs or a protein shake … and if you already have protein try eating it first.

Then continue your usual breakfast but keep in mind the first habit : if you are full you are full , the food you “missed” is available to you when you are hungry another time .

  • add to the rest of your meals foods that are known for their health benefits and slow aging , start with: red bell peppers , papaya , blueberries , broccoli , spinach , sweet potato or add based on your preference
  • Last but not least : sprinkle some turmeric powder on your food it tastes good and packs lots of benefits
Photo by Toni Cuenca: https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/photo/pomme-verte-a-cote-de-deux-bocaux-en-verre-transparent-616833/

3/ be outside more :

Going on walks , hiking or gardening are amazing activities you can add to your life

- going on walks and hiking : alone , with a pet or a loved once not only is good for your physical but also for your mental health and both are essential to decrease stress and slow aging

- gardening is a form of meditation you keep your mind busy , work your body and grow organic food that is good for you , and if you have kids it is a great way to make memories and bond .

Any physical activity is fine : jump roping , skating , cycling , fishing , surfing , yoga … the list goes on pick the one you find the EASIEST and most ENJOYABLE to build consistency.

Photo by Zen Chung: https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/photo/mere-et-fille-ethniques-marchant-ensemble-dans-le-jardin-5528999/


  • Make your tea time a ritual for yourself as selfcare or quality time with someone you love , no distractions , no phone just being present and that alone is beneficial . But why not increase the benefits by drinking these specific types of tea :
  • A Basic one : green tea , packs lots of antioxidants , and helps you awaken , you can have it in the afternoon or evening instead of a cup of coffee , enjoy it with some nuts and honey
  • But also give Chamomile tea a chance : perfect for late night conversations before bed , in addition to being very very aesthetic for your Instagram feed , it helps with inflammation , protects the heart and reduces anxiety and soothes your belly , so you can get a goodnights sleep
Image by <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/woman-pouring-tea-from-crystal-teapot_8560503.htm#query=chamomile%20tea&position=19&from_view=keyword&track=ais">Freepik</a>
Image by <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/woman-pouring-tea-from-crystal-teapot_8560503.htm#query=chamomile%20tea&position=19&from_view=keyword&track=ais">Freepik</a>

In conclusion :

  • be conscious with your food intake , don’t limit it and ignore what you love , but also Love and prioritize yourself and your health
  • go outside more , be active and enjoy life .
  • last but not least : spend quality time with yourself or with loved once.

The time of our death is not within our control , but our time of life is , how well you live is a choice that is always available to you to make

Image by <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/medium-shot-senior-couple-with-food_17650411.htm#query=healthy%20aging&position=31&from_view=search&track=ais">Freepik</a>



that's my cup of tea

M.D and a herbalist sharing all the nature's secrets ( backed by science ) to a better live