Türkiye’de Verilen Demokrasi mi İktidar Mücadelesi mi?Yurt dışında yaşayan biri olarak oy kullanmayacağımı dile getirdiğimde bazı eleştirilere maruz kaldım. Oy vermeme kararı alanlar hakkında…May 27, 2023May 27, 2023
Creating a Web App in Erlang with Chicago Boss and Riak from Scratch“Many years ago I used to think that programming was easy, as the years have passed I have have realized that programming is not easy. This…Sep 19, 20171Sep 19, 20171
How to run Laravel on YAWS“There is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes.” — George SorosSep 19, 2017Sep 19, 2017