Machine Learning: C++ Linear Regression Example

3 min readMar 28, 2019


This example shows how to use lease square optimization or gradient descent to do linear regression, using C++.

It also shows how to calculate the ground truth, and compare the optimization result with the ground truth.

Due to its simplicity, this problem is often asked during a machine learning related interview. Understanding its implementation is essential for building more complicated regression models, like logistic regression.

Problem: for given vectors x and y, (x is the input, y is the label). Find a optimal line that best predicts future y with future x.

An example linear regression problem

We need to find the red-colored line: y = ax + b which best fits the pattern of the data dots.

We define the cost function as average squared error:

C = Sum(y_i — (a*x_i + b))²/N

In order to calculate the gradient descent, we need to calculate the partial derivatives of C on slope a and intercept b.

dC/da = 2/N * Sum(-x_i*y_i+a*x_i² + b*x_i)

dC/db = 2/N * Sum(-y_i + a*x_i + b)

After we get da and db, we can update slope a and intercept b iteratively by a small learning rate.

slope = slope — learningRate * da

intercept = intercept — learningRate * db

We apply the above iteratively update till either the error change is very small or da/db is very small (no gradient anymore).

Note that, we don’t need to run each iteration with all training data. If the training data size is very large, we can run each iteration with only a batch of data (subset of training data).

In order to calculate the ground truth for the slope and intercept, we need to run the following calculation for all training data.

slope = (N*Sum(x_i*y_i)-Sum(x_i)*Sum(y_i))/(N*Sum(x_i²)-Sum(x_i)²)

intercept = (Sum(y_i)-a*Sum(x_i))/N

The example implementation is in C++

double getSlope(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y)


double sx = accumulate(x.begin(), x.end(), 0);

double sy = accumulate(y.begin(), y.end(), 0);

double sxx = inner_product(x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), 0);

double sxy = inner_product(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), 0);

int n = static_cast<int>(x.size());

// (n*sxy — sx*sy)/(n*sxx — sx*sx)

double nor = n*sxy — sx*sy;

double denor = n*sxx — sx*sx;



return nor/denor;


return numeric_limits<double>::max();


double getIntercept(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, double slope)


double sx = accumulate(x.begin(), x.end(), 0);

double sy = accumulate(y.begin(), y.end(), 0);

int n = static_cast<int>(x.size());

return (sy-slope*sx)/n;


// slope:a

// intercept:b

// derivative of slope: da

// derivative of intercept: db

double getCost(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, double a, double b, double &da, double &db)


int n = static_cast<int>(x.size());

double sx = accumulate(x.begin(), x.end(), 0);

double sy = accumulate(y.begin(), y.end(), 0);

double sxx = inner_product(x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), 0);

double sxy = inner_product(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), 0);

double syy = inner_product(y.begin(), y.end(), y.begin(), 0);

double cost = syy — 2*a*sxy — 2*b*sy + a*a*sxx + 2*a*b*sx + n*b*b;

cost /= n;

da = 2*(-sxy + a*sxx + b*sx)/n;

db = 2*(-sy + a*sx + n*b)/n;

return cost;


void linearRegression(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, double slope = 1, double intercept = 0)


double lrate = 0.0002;

double threshold = 0.0001;

int iter = 0;



double da = 0;

double db = 0;

double cost = getCost(x, y, slope, intercept, da, db);



cout<<”Iter: “<<iter<< “ cost = “<<cost<< “ da = “ << da << “ db = “<<db<< endl;



if(abs(da) < threshold && abs(db) < threshold)


cout<<”y = “<<slope<<” * x + “<<intercept<<endl;



slope -= lrate* da;

intercept -= lrate * db;



int main() {

vector<double> x = { 71, 73, 64, 65, 61, 70, 65, 72, 63, 67, 64};

vector<double> y = {160, 183, 154, 168, 159, 180, 145, 210, 132, 168, 141};

// initialize with random two points

cout<< “Initialization with random 2 points”<<endl;

vector<double> xSub = { 71, 73};

vector<double> ySub = {160, 183};

double slopeSub =getSlope(xSub,ySub);

double interceptSub = getIntercept(xSub, ySub, slopeSub);

cout<<”y = “<<slopeSub<<” * x + “<<interceptSub<<endl;

linearRegression(x, y, slopeSub, interceptSub);

cout<< “Compare with ground truth”<<endl;

double slope = getSlope(x,y);

double intercept = getIntercept(x, y, slope);

cout<<”y = “<<slope<<” * x + “<<intercept<<endl;

return 0;


