Fate vs. Self-Determination: Exploring the Age-Old Philosophical Debate

Dr. Victor Bodo
3 min readOct 5, 2023


The debate between fate and self-determination has been a longstanding philosophical and existential discussion that has fascinated thinkers, scholars, and individuals throughout history. It centers around the question of whether our lives are predestined by external forces or if we possess the power to shape our destinies through our own choices and actions. This article delves into the age-old conflict between fate and self-determination, examining key arguments, perspectives, and implications for our understanding of human existence.

Fate, often associated with determinism, is the belief that events in our lives are predetermined by external factors such as a divine plan, cosmic forces, or a fixed timeline. This perspective implies that individuals have limited or no control over their lives and that outcomes are essentially preordained. Various religious doctrines and mythologies have embraced the idea of fate, with gods and goddesses guiding human destinies. In literature, classic works like Sophocles’ “Oedipus Rex” explore the tragic consequences of defying one’s fate.

The Argument for Fate

Proponents of fate argue that it is a part of a grand cosmic order. They believe that events unfold according to a predetermined plan, ensuring balance and harmony in the universe.

Some argue that fate serves as a tool for moral and spiritual growth. Facing preordained challenges can lead to personal development, redemption, or enlightenment.

Many religious traditions attribute fate to the divine will of a higher power. In these belief systems, surrendering to fate is seen as an act of faith and submission.

Understanding Self-Determination

Self-determination, often linked with free will, is the belief that individuals possess the agency to make choices and decisions that influence their own lives. It suggests that humans have the capacity to act independently of external forces, shaping their destinies through their actions, desires, and decisions. This perspective is closely associated with the idea of personal responsibility for one’s choices.

The Argument for Self-Determination

Advocates of self-determination highlight the significance of individual autonomy. They argue that our capacity to make choices is a fundamental aspect of human nature.

Self-determination places individuals in the role of moral agents responsible for their actions. It asserts that personal accountability is necessary for ethical behavior and growth.

It is quite obvious that a self-determination mindset fuels ambition and the pursuit of goals, which implies that self determination can be the driving force behind human innovation, creativity, and the aspiration for personal excellence.

The Interplay between Fate and Self-Determination

While the debate between fate and self-determination appears to be a binary opposition, it is essential to recognize the nuanced interplay between these two concepts in real-life scenarios. Human existence is a complex mixture of events beyond our control and the choices we make in response to them.

Fate and self-determination are not mutually exclusive. Fate may present individuals with circumstances, opportunities, or challenges, while self-determination allows them to respond to these factors in unique ways.

Self-determination often involves adapting to unexpected events or adverse circumstances, blurring the line between predestination and free will.

The tension between fate and self-determination can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. Struggling against adversity can reveal strengths and resilience.


The debate between fate and self-determination remains an enduring philosophical and existential question. While fate suggests that our lives are governed by external forces, self-determination asserts our capacity to shape our destinies through conscious choices. In reality, the two concepts are not entirely contradictory but rather intricately intertwined in the tapestry of human existence. Recognizing the balance between fate and self-determination can lead to a deeper understanding of our own lives and the world around us, emphasizing the importance of both accepting the uncontrollable and embracing the power of choice.



Dr. Victor Bodo

Explore a holistic model: brain as hardware, instincts/archetypes as software, mind as navigator—all bound together with the help of evolutionary neuroscience.