Hawkins Pyramid of Consciousness

Dr. Victor Bodo
3 min readMay 21, 2023


In the realm of personal development and spiritual growth, the Hawkins Pyramid of Consciousness stands as a guiding light. Developed by Dr. David R. Hawkins, this pyramid serves as a profound framework for understanding the spectrum of human consciousness and provides valuable insights into our inner journey of self-realization. With its multi-tiered structure, the pyramid offers a roadmap for personal transformation and the elevation of our consciousness.

The Hawkins Pyramid of Consciousness, also known as the Scale of Consciousness, illustrates twelve levels of consciousness, each representing a distinct state of awareness and corresponding emotional and behavioral patterns. Let’s explore these levels in detail:

  1. Shame/Guilt: The lowest level of consciousness is marked by intense feelings of worthlessness and self-blame, often arising from past traumas or negative experiences.
  2. Apathy: Apathy reflects a state of disinterest and indifference towards life, characterized by a lack of motivation and emotional engagement.
  3. Grief: This level encompasses deep sadness, sorrow, and despair, often experienced after the loss of a loved one or significant life transitions.
  4. Fear: Fear-based thinking dominates this level, manifesting as anxiety, worry, and a constant anticipation of potential threats or dangers.
  5. Desire: At this level, individuals seek external possessions, power, or sensory pleasures, believing that acquiring these will bring them happiness and fulfillment.
  6. Anger: Anger arises from feelings of frustration, resentment, and hostility. Individuals at this level often harbor grudges and have difficulty managing their emotions.
  7. Pride: Pride represents an inflated sense of self-worth and superiority, leading to arrogance, validation-seeking behavior, and a tendency to belittle others.
  8. Courage: As we ascend the pyramid, we encounter the level of courage, where individuals take responsibility for their lives, confront their fears, and embrace change.
  9. Neutrality: Neutrality reflects a state of calmness, acceptance, and non-judgment. Individuals at this level observe situations without getting emotionally attached or reactive.
  10. Willingness: Willingness signifies an open-minded and cooperative attitude, embracing new ideas, learning opportunities, and adaptability.
  11. Acceptance: Acceptance brings profound peace and understanding. Individuals at this level embrace life as it is, releasing resistance and finding contentment in the present moment.
  12. Love: The pinnacle of the pyramid, love, encompasses unconditional love, compassion, and unity with all beings. It transcends the ego and fosters a deep sense of interconnectedness.

Moving from One Level to Another:

While the journey of moving from one level to another is deeply personal and unique to each individual, certain practices can aid in this transformative process:

  1. Self-awareness: Develop a deep understanding of your current level of consciousness. Reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and identify any patterns or limitations that hold you back.
  2. Emotional healing: Engage in practices that support emotional healing, such as therapy, journaling, or expressive arts. Release past traumas, address repressed emotions, and cultivate healthy coping mechanisms.
  3. Challenging beliefs: Identify and challenge limiting beliefs that keep you anchored in lower levels of consciousness. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations and empowering beliefs.
  4. Cultivate empathy and compassion: Foster empathy and compassion towards yourself and others. Seek to understand different perspectives, practice active listening, and engage in acts of kindness and service.
  5. Practice mindfulness: Develop a regular mindfulness or meditation practice to cultivate present-moment awareness. Observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment, responding consciously rather than reactively.
  6. Seek personal growth opportunities: Engage in activities that promote personal growth and self-improvement. Attend workshops, read books, seek guidance from mentors, and participate in therapeutic modalities that facilitate growth.
  7. Set conscious intentions: Set clear intentions and goals for your personal growth journey. Define the qualities and behaviors you aspire to embody at higher levels of consciousness. Break these goals into actionable steps and hold yourself accountable.


The Hawkins Pyramid of Consciousness serves as a powerful tool for personal transformation and self-realization. By understanding and consciously working through each level, we can move from lower states of consciousness to higher ones, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Embrace this profound framework as you embark on your own journey of self-discovery and the elevation of consciousness, embracing the extraordinary possibilities that lie ahead.



Dr. Victor Bodo

Explore a holistic model: brain as hardware, instincts/archetypes as software, mind as navigator—all bound together with the help of evolutionary neuroscience.