Wealth, Power, and the Earth’s Cost: Jungian Lessons from King Midas

Dr. Victor Bodo
5 min readSep 17, 2023


The legend of King Midas is a famous story from Greek mythology that illustrates the consequences of excessive greed and the pursuit of wealth. King Midas is often associated with the “Midas touch,” a mythical ability to turn everything he touched into gold. Here is the story of King Midas:

King Midas was the ruler of the kingdom of Phrygia, a region in ancient Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). He was known for his wealth and love for gold, and he spent his days counting his riches and accumulating treasure. Despite his immense wealth, he was not content and always desired more.

One day, while wandering in the forest, King Midas came across a drunken old man named Silenus. Silenus was a friend and companion of the god Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry. Midas showed kindness to Silenus, took care of him, and returned him safely to Dionysus. In gratitude, Dionysus offered King Midas a reward and told him that he could make a wish.

King Midas, driven by his insatiable desire for wealth, wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus warned Midas about the potential consequences of his wish but granted it anyway, as it was his promise.

Initially, King Midas was ecstatic about his newfound power. He touched trees, rocks, and various objects, turning them into solid gold. However, his joy soon turned to despair when he realized that he could not eat or drink, as everything he touched, including his food and his beloved daughter, turned into gold upon contact.

In his desperation, King Midas begged Dionysus to take back the gift. Dionysus, feeling pity for Midas, agreed but instructed him to wash away his golden touch in the river Pactolus. Midas followed the instructions, and as he submerged himself in the river, the golden gift was removed.

Afterward, King Midas learned the valuable lesson that wealth and material possessions were not the most important things in life. He renounced his greed and lived a simpler, more content life. He also realized the importance of his daughter and showed her the love and attention she deserved.

The story of King Midas serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and materialism and the importance of valuing human relationships and the simple pleasures in life over the pursuit of wealth at any cost. The legend of King Midas and his “Midas touch” has been a popular theme in literature, art, and culture throughout history, serving as a timeless reminder of the consequences of unchecked avarice.

The Tragic Parallel: The Pursuit of Wealth and Ecological Destruction

In the legend of King Midas, we find a chilling reflection of our relentless quest for wealth at the expense of our planet. Just as Midas’s insatiable desire for gold led to his ruin, our relentless pursuit of wealth is transforming the Earth into a commodity, jeopardizing our very survival on this fragile planet.

King Midas’ touch turned everything to gold, rendering the ordinary joys of life impossible. Similarly, our single-minded pursuit of wealth has turned precious ecosystems into commodities, pushing the planet’s life-supporting systems to the brink.
Short-Term Gains, Long-Term Losses:

The mindless king enjoyed the immediate gains of his golden touch, but it came at a devastating long-term cost. Our exploitation of natural resources often leads to short-term economic gains while ignoring the long-term consequences of ecological destruction and climate change. Just as King Midas was blinded by his greed and couldn’t see the harm he was causing, our obsession with profits can blind us to the irreplaceable value of clean air, fresh water, fertile soil, and a stable climate.

Like Midas, we may one day realize the catastrophic consequences of our actions and cry out for redemption. But can we reverse the damage done to the environment and ecosystems that sustain us?

The story of King Midas serves as a stark warning that transforming the planet into wealth and digits in the bank is a dangerous path. We risk sacrificing not only the environment but also our own well-being and that of future generations. It’s not too late to change course. We must shift our focus from the relentless pursuit of wealth to the preservation of the planet’s health. Our very survival depends on it.

In the end, the story of King Midas reminds us that the pursuit of wealth, taken to extremes, can lead to our own downfall. We must heed this cautionary tale and prioritize the protection of our planet over the accumulation of wealth if we are to secure a sustainable and thriving future for ourselves and the generations to come. The Earth is not an infinite source of riches, and the cost of turning it into mere digits in the bank may be too high to bear.

A Jungian interpretation of the story of King Midas

Jungian psychology posits that each individual has a shadow, representing the hidden, often darker aspects of the psyche. King Midas’ insatiable greed and his wish for the “Midas touch” can be seen as manifestations of his shadow self. This unchecked greed arises from the depths of his unconscious, devouring him and leading to destructive consequences.

Within societies, wealth, particularly in the form of precious metals like gold, has historically been associated with power and prestige. Gold is often seen as a symbol of wealth and success. In this context, the pursuit of gold becomes a reflection of societal values and expectations, driving individuals to seek it at all costs.
People often unconsciously internalize societal values and norms, including the importance of material success. This can lead to the unconscious development of desires for wealth and prestige, which individuals may pursue without fully understanding the psychological forces driving them.

The unchecked greed portrayed in the story of King Midas can be seen as an ancient manifestation of a primal instinct: the drive to gather and secure resources for survival. Throughout human evolution, the acquisition of resources such as food, shelter, and valuable materials has been essential for the survival and prosperity of individuals and communities. This instinctual drive is deeply embedded in our psychology.

It’s essential to recognize that these instinctual drives, when unchecked and allowed to run rampant, can lead to destructive consequences. The story serves as a cautionary tale by highlighting how the primal instinct to accumulate resources, if taken to extremes without self-awareness and moderation, can devour a person’s well-being and disrupt their relationships.

Ultimately, the story of King Midas invites us to strike a balance between our instinctual drives and our higher consciousness, urging us to be mindful of our desires and the potential consequences of unchecked greed in the modern world.

As King Midas lets go of his insatiable greed and materialistic desires, he returns to a state of peace of mind. This signifies the potential for inner peace when we detach ourselves from the devouring nature of the shadow self, allowing for a more balanced and content existence.

In summary, the story of King Midas, underscores how the unconscious pursuit of wealth, shaped by societal values, can have far-reaching consequences. By recognizing and reflecting on these dynamics, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their motivations and make more conscious choices in the pursuit of power, prestige, and material success.



Dr. Victor Bodo

Explore a holistic model: brain as hardware, instincts/archetypes as software, mind as navigator—all bound together with the help of evolutionary neuroscience.