AL-Houthi Followers and AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar

DrAbdo Albahesh
6 min readOct 27, 2018


Dr. Abdo Albahesh

AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar is the 12th Imam according to the faith of the Ethna Ashri Shiites. They claim that his name is Mohammed Bin AL-Hasan, son of Imam №11, AL-Hasan AL-Askri. His surname is AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar (the absentee Imam). According to Shiite faith, he is guided (Mahdi) by God and is expected to appear in order to change the world. He was born in Shaaban 15, 255 A.H. corresponding 29/07/869 A.D. His father died when he was only five years. He disappeared directly after the death of his father by an order from Allah. The Ethna Ashri Shiites claim that he is still alive, and he will appear when Allah give him a permission. He will be authorized to spread justice and true guidance on the earth after it is filled with oppression. AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar recognized by the entire Islamic doctrines, the Sunnis and the Shiites. But the Sunnis do not give any importance to him and his expected appearance. However, the matter is different to Shiites, particularly the Ethna Ashri group. All Shiites are eager to his emergence. They have great hopes on him to fill the earth with justice and light. That is why many Shiites name their sons Mahdi (as a good omen). (Ali AL-Kurani AL-Aamli: 2007).

AL-Houthi movement in Yemen is a Shiite movements largely similar to Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, led by Hassan Nasrullah. It is obvious that AL-Houthi movement is much influenced, in its faith, by the issue of Imam AL-Mahdi. It is also influenced by the theory of AL-Khomeini, the leader of the Shiite Revolution of Iran, which is based on the mandate of the Imam of all times — Imam Mohammed Bin AL-Hasan AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar. Several studies mention that Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi brought to Yemen (during his visit to the city of Qum in Iran) a large number of this book, The Era of Emergence, by the Shiite author Ali AL-Kurani . After his return to Saadah, he started to distribute copies of this book to his followers. That is why the government accused Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi of allegedly calling himself AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar. (Sultan Bin Barak Bin Ayedh AL-Otaibi: 2014, 85).

The government had proved the impact of AL-Mahdi creed on AL-Houthis. The security forces found a document with one of AL-Houthi followers, named Fares Musfer Salem, who resides in Saqain, a district in Saadah governorate during the first war. This document is a pledge of allegiance to Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi as the absolute leader and the real AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar. The document reads: “I witness that Mr. Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi is the argument of Allah on earth in this decade. I pledge allegiance, before Allah, to Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi, I will hear and obey him as a ruler; fight those whom he fights and be at peace with those who stand with him. And he is AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar who will fill the land with justice as it is filled with injustice. He showed us the right path to survive, and clarified the Book of Allah to its best. We ask Allah to resurrect us with him in the Day of Judgment.” (Ahmad Ayedh: 2016).

The book of The Era of Emerging by Shiite cleric, AL-Qurani, shows the period in which Imam AL-Mahdi is supposed to appear as alleged by Shiites. The author speaks about a series of events and regional and international developments, which are considered global preparations for the emergence of AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar. According to AL-Qurani, the most prominent events are the preparing revolutions such as AL-Khomeini Shiite Revolution in Iran and Al-Yamani revolution in Yemen, particularly in the capital of Sanaa. The author allocates a full chapter on Yemen’s role in the incidents that would lead to the emergence of Imam AL-Mahdi. This vision confirms that a severe conflict, chaos and killing will happen in AL-Hejaz (part of Saudi Arabia) until the appearance of AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar in Mecca. People there will pay homage to him as a ruler and will support him. In the meanwhile, Al-Yamani will be the first one, among the owners of banners (army leaders), who will pay homage to him. Al-Yamani will fill the political vacuum in AL-Hejaz area. (Ali AL-Kurani AL-Aamli: 2006, 12).

It seems that AL-Houthi movement had been highly affected by the contents of this book, The Era of Emerging. It was also influenced by the way and style of AL-Khomeini Shiite revolution in Iran. This book speaks about Yemen and its role in facilitating the emergence of Imam AL-Mahdi. The book praises the Yemeni revolution and its leader AL-Yamani, who is called Hussein or Hasan, son of Imam Zaid Bin Ali Bin AL-Hussein Bin Ali Bin Abi Taleb. The book tells that AL-Yamani is coming out of the village of Karah, in Khawlan Bin Amer region in Saadah governorate, whose banner (army banner) is the nearest to the truth (which supports AL-Mahdi). The author praises the commander AL-Yamani, describing his banner as the banner of Hoda (guidance). Some believe that Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi thought himself AL-Yamani (who is mentioned this book). As a result, he rushed out to have the honour of being AL-Yamani who will pay homage to the Imam AL-Mahdi and receive guidance from him. This honour inspires every Shiite believer who is eager to meet Imam AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar — not less in Holiness than the prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him). (Ali AL-Kurani AL-Aamli: 2006, 117).

AL-Qurani keeps praising the role of AL-Yamani revolution in supporting AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar. He says that AL-Mahdi will rely on the Yemeni and Hejazi people during his appearance in Mecca, and most of his military forces will be Yemenis. The book also speaks about the role of AL-Yamani and his followers in supporting Imam AL-Mahdi in the battle to control Iraq. As the book narrates, AL-Yamani will enter Iraq and defeat AL-Sufiani army, an agent of the Americans and Israelis, with the help of the Iranian army. Then AL-Mahdi heads to AL-Sham (Syria) where AL-Sufiani had mobilized all his forces; but Imam AL-Mahdi and his Yemeni and Iranian army will win this battle. (Ali AL-Kurani AL-Aamli: 2006, 119). Details are mentioned in this book about the decisive battle between Imam AL-Mahdi army and AL-Sufiani army which is backed by the Jews and Christians. This great battle will happen in the area of Akka in Palestine to Antioch in Turkey coastline, and from the Sea of Galilee to Damascus and Jerusalem. In this battle, divine anger will down on AL-Sufiani army, on Jews and Christians, then Muslims will kill them. Even if one of them hid behind a rock, the rock will call Muslims; come and kill this Jew. The divine victory will come down on Imam AL-Mahdi who will enter Jerusalem.” (Ali AL-Kurani AL-Aamli: 2006, 16).

Such ideas would probably have affected AL-Houthis. They say that the events and changes that are happening today on the Arab land, are divine preliminaries for the emergence of Imam AL-Mahdi. It also seemed that Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi was influenced a lot by these prophecies, and thus he rushed to raise the slogan (Allah is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, curse on Jews, victory for Islam). He believed that this banner is the banner of guidance mentioned in the book (the era of emerging). He also believed that he is Imam AL-Yamani, who will come out in Yemen will fight against the government and win the war. Then he will enjoy the privilege of meeting Imam AL-Mahdi and take instructions from him. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this faith in Imam AL-Mahdi AL-Muntadhar is pure Shiite faith especially AL-Houthi ones.

