The Relations of Houthis with Iran and Hezbollah:

DrAbdo Albahesh
11 min readNov 4, 2018


Dr.Abdo Albahesh

All through history, the relations between Arabs and Iranians are characterized by tension and conflict in most cases, due to the clear difference between the two nation in terms of language, culture, traditions and ethnicity, in addition to the border problems and areas of conflict. Ideological disagreement increases the tension and animosity between Arabs and Iranians; a large majority of Arabs embrace Sunni Islam, while the majority of Iranians embrace Shiite Islam. In the modern age, Iran occupied AL-Ahwaz Arab state in 1925, and then occupied three Emirate islands in 1971. Now, Iran is openly intervening in the affairs of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. (Omar Khalifa Rashed: 2014, 1).

With the fall of AL-Shah and the success of AL-Khomeini Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, the Iranian Arab relations entered a new phase of political tension. Iran started to export its revolution to the Arab world through exploiting Shiite minority, and moving them against their governments and the interests of their countries. Iran uses these Shiite minorities, under sectarian religious slogans, as a tool for its regional expansion and influence on the Arab States. Now the day has come, Iran announces that it controls four Arab capitals, Beirut, Baghdad, Damascus, and Sana’a. (Omar Khalifa Rashed: 2014, 1).

The relationship between AL-Houthi movement and Iran shows the new policy of Iran which is based on the principle of exporting its revolution. This relationship goes back to 1979, the date of the success of AL-Khomeini Islamic revolution in Iran. Some studies mention that Saadah city witnessed demonstrations supporting the Iranian leader Ayatollah AL-Khomeini just after his revolution in 1979, but these demonstrations were suppressed by the Yemeni government. The Zaidi people in Saadah look to AL-Khomeini revolution as a divine gift to rescue the dignity of the Islamic world. The sources indicate that the first orderly Shiite move began in 1982, by the Zaidi Faqih (religious scholar) Salah Ahmad Fleetah, who then founded The Faithful Youth Union in 1986. At times, Mohammad Badruddin AL-Houthi was teaching a course on the principles of the Iranian Islamic revolution to young students. Interior Minister Rashad AL-Alimi stated before the parliament that AL-Houthi movement started its activities in 1982, and that its cells were formed between 1983 and 1984 with the support of Iran. He added that this movement started to implement its terrorist acts in Sanaa and Saadah at that time. (A group of researchers: 2008, 111).

With the advent of 1990, events had been accelerated in the Middle East, in the interest of AL-Houthi movement; the Iranian Iraqi war stopped, the hostile attitude of the Yemeni government against Iran ended, the supreme guide of the Iranian Revolution, AL-Khomeini, died in 1989. All of these led to a change in the Iranian policy toward the Arab and Islamic counties depending on a soft method for exporting the revolution rather than the violent method. AL-Houthi movement benefited a lot from the reunification of Yemen which allowed the establishment of political parties. The Zaidi activists exploited this climate of freedom to come closer with Iran and build their joint political project. They established two Shiite parties — The Right Party and Union of Popular Forces. Mohamed Salem Ezzan also established The Faithful Youth Union of Shiite orientations with the support of Iran. (A group of researchers: 2008, 112).

The depth of the relationship between AL-Houthi movement and Iran is obviously illustrated in the lectures of Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi, the movement founder, who praises Iran and Hezbollah as ideal examples and sources of pride. In a related context, AL-Houthi considers pilgrimage to Mecca as an opportunity for the Iranians to broadcast the meanings of pride and dignity to the whole Islamic nation. Accordingly, pilgrimage is seen as a season to threaten Israel and America. This tone suggests that there is a hidden Houthi Iranian plan that aims to control Mecca and Medina. They believe that Mecca and Medina are sacred religious centers which belong to their grandfather (the Prophet Mohammed), and AL Saud (rulers of Saudi Arabia) have nothing to do with these Holly places. Therefore, Iran and AL-Houthis believe that they are the ones who have the right to run Muslim Holy Places. AL-Houthis blindly follow the Iranian faith and thoughts to the extent that they believe that the Governments which AL-Khomeini call over will fall (Governments which helped Iraq in its war against Iran from 1980 to 1988). It is worth mentioning that AL-Houthis believe that Imam AL-Khomeini was fair whose pray is not rejected by God. (Adel Nouman AL-Ahmadi: 2007, 176–177).

Practically the Iranian relationship with AL-Houthis was getting clearer through the Iranian support which aimed to increase AL-Houthis’ morale, providing them with the Iranian Iraqi war films and the killing of AL-Hussein as well as films of Hezbollah operations against Israel. A crew of Lebanese and Iraqi Shiites as well as members of the Iranian revolutionary guard assist AL-Houthis in the management of moral guidance. Sources indicate that AL-Houthis’ maneuvers and exercises take place under the supervision of trained personnel and experts from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. (Adel Nouman AL-Ahmadi:2007,177). The strength of the relationship between Iran and AL-Houthis was illustrated through the early secret visit by Hussein Badruddin to Iran in 1986. Abdul Rahim AL-Humran described the atmospheres of that visit as a difficult, and describes AL-Houthi as a revolutionary person who has strained himself since he stayed in Syria more than a month before getting into Iran. He remained 18 days in Iran during which he met with religious figures (Iraqi and Iranian Shiites). He was thinking to engage in Badr legion, which was under the foundation for defending the Islamic Republic of Iran at that time. He also visited the sacred shrines in Iraq in 1990. (Abdul Rahim AL-Humran: 2015). What also confirms the strong relations between Iran and AL-Houthi is the asylum of Hussein Badruddin AL-Houthi and his father to Iran in 1994, fearing any angry reaction by the Yemeni government against them, as a result of their support to the Yemeni Socialist Party in the war of 1994. They stayed two years in Iran and received a very gentle hospitality from the Iranian regime (who has an ideological Shiite sectarian relations, and ethnic relations since AL-Houthi belongs to AL-Hashemite family). (Sultan AL-Dheeb: 2009).

Iran seeks to achieve its objectives through spreading the Shiite Islam, applying the mandate of AL-Faqih model formulated by AL-Khomeini. For this purpose, the Iranian regime worked on increasing what is called AL-Hawza AL-Elmiah (religious schools) in the Iranian city of Qum, giving it a greater role in the dissemination of its revolution. Therefore, Iran sought through AL-Houthis to attract many Yemeni students to study in Iranian universities (in AL-Hawzat), in order to use them later to disseminate the message of Iran (its religion, revolution, media, culture and politics). Iran offered (through AL-Houthis) many scholarships for Yemeni students, and encouraged scientific missions and academic visits. It organized educational visits of many Yemeni journalists, writers, intellectuals, lawyers, political activists and jurists. Moreover, Iran supported AL-Houthis to establish scientific symposia, cultural activities, centers and public libraries, various associations of social, cultural and political activity, and also supported the revival of the Shiite celebrations such as Eid AL-Ghadir, the anniversary of Ashura, AL-Quds World Day. (Ibrahim Menshawi: 31–1–2016).

In the field of media, Iran used to support AL-Houthi movement. Tehran, through its cooperation with Lebanese Hezbollah, established and funded a number of satellite televisions, in the southern suburb of Beirut, such as AL-Maseerah, AL-Sahat and AL-Mayadin channels. Iran and AL-Houthis managed to attract Yemeni media figures from different Yemeni provinces to support its scheme to control Yemen and make it under the Iranian influence. The reports indicate that Iran imported 1300 Yemeni media men and trained them in several countries such as Lebanon, Iraq and Iran. However, the Lebanese Hezbollah party has trained most of the media components of AL-Houthis. They were transferred from Sanaa to Beirut to receive training and then return to Yemen to work as correspondents, photographers and editors of the news and press reports as well as working in the fields of technology and software specialized agencies broadcast via satellite, output and surrender in the satellite TV and radio. Moreover, AL-Manar TV of Hezbollah harnessed its cadres for training AL-Houthis’ media professionals and establishing special media means for them. This reveals the extent of cooperation between AL-Houthis, Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah. Besides, there are many other channels that support AL-Houthis such as Al-Manar channel, Aden life, AL-Anwar AL-Oola, AL-Maaref, Fourteen, Euphrates, Beladi, AL-Ghadir, AL-Awhad, AL-Ahd, AL-Masar AL-Oola, AL-Kut, AL-Alam, Taha, Press NTV, AL-Duaa, AL-Wahdah, AL-Mahdi, Al-Serat, Karbala, AL-Salam, AL-Najaf channel, and Najaf, AL-Watan for all, AL-Hujjah, AL-Kawthar, Nahnu, Imam AL-Hussein, AL-Naeem, AL-Zahraa, AL-Thagalin, Imam AL-Redha and AL-Welayah. (Ibrahim Menshawi: 31–1–2016).

The Iranian support for AL-Houthi movement aims at increasing its influence in the region through strengthening the Shiite minority in the Gulf States, Yemen, Iraq and AL-sham. Many reports speak about the Iranian military, materialistic and logistical support for AL-Houthis. In the six wars of AL-Houthis against the Government of Yemen, Iran offered all forms of support for AL-Houthis (arms and money to attract and buy Sheikhs and military commanders of the former regime, to ensure their loyalty to AL-Houthis). Iran concluded other secret deals with regional and international parties to assist the movement in its efforts to take the power in Yemen. (Hadi AL-Sheheri: 2014).

Base on important information received from Sheikh Abdullah AL-Mahdoon, one of AL-Houthi leaders, Iran provides AL-Houthi movement with military equipment and training. He reported that local trainers were trained in Lebanon and Iran on how to collect and construct the pieces of missiles and how to manufacture mines. He added that external experts and trainers from the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah, and AL-Quds legion of Iran supervise local Yemeni cadres. AL-Mahdoon also said that there are several secret centers for manufacturing weapons and many other centers for training. He confirmed that these centers are equipped with modern machines to manufacture all kinds of weapons. Sheikh Abdullah AL-Mahdoon also ensured that the great support (arms and funds) was given to AL-Houthis before the fourth war. He said that AL-Houthis’ leader, Abdul Malik Badruddin AL-Houthi once told him in person that the movement would triumph and Shiites will rule the world. More than this, AL-Mahdoon admitted that AL-Houthis were using American rockets in the war provided by Iran. AL-Houthi leader, AL-Mahdoon, also mentioned that AL-Houthi movement has planted spies in the Yemeni government and also in the opposition parties. He added that AL-Houthi movement in the second and third wars was almost ended if it weren’t given time to reproduce itself through mediations and truces (which gave them the opportunity to gather their forces). (Abdul Nasser AL-Mamlooh: 2009).

AL-Houthi movement depends on multiple sources for armament, including the Yemeni markets. It gained weapons from the army camps during the six wars, particularly the last three wars, as well as the weapons it gained from the Saudi military in the sixth war. However, the Iranian support is the most prominent and most effective, particularly in the difficult phases the movement passed by. Iran was keen to keep its relationship and support to AL-Houthis secret. But the scandals of the Iranian ships loaded with all kinds of weapons revealed the hidden support when the Ceyhan1 and Ceyhan2 ships fell into the clutches of the Yemeni government. A secret report issued by the Sanctions Committee of the United Nations revealed that Iran was involved in arming AL-Houthi movement. The report mentioned that Iranian ships and weapons to Yemen were monitored five times. The report said that the Yemeni authorities seized an Iranian fishing boat in February 2011, while transporting 900 anti-tank and aircraft missiles coming from Iran to AL-Houthis. (Houthi followers military truth and sources of support: 2015, 7). More recently (in 28 March 2016), US naval forces intercepted and seized an Iranian cargo of weapons while it was heading to AL-Houthis. The US Navy confirmed that an Australian warship seized a shipment of weapons on its way to Yemen through Somalia in February of 2016. Besides, the French authorities confiscated another Iranian shipment of weapons coming to Yemen in March 2016. (CNN: 5–4–2016).

Iran sought to strengthen its links with the Shiite minority in all parts of the world in an orderly manner. For now, Iran is focusing on Shiites in the Middle East. Iran has become Mecca of Shiites everywhere; in Egypt, Mauritania, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, the Arab Gulf, Turkey, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan; all gather under one reference in Tehran; all raise the picture of AL-Khomeini. Yemen is one of these countries that suffers from the hell of sectarian war launched by AL-Houthis on various social strata of Yemen. Iran hosts convertible top personalities of the Zaidi doctrine to the Ethna Ashri doctrine, and provides them with care and protection (hosting them in Iranian satellite channels in Arabic). (A group of researchers: 2008, 279).

Iran tries to keep itself away from the responsibility of its support to AL-Houthi movement. The Iranian government depends on indirect methods to deliver financial support to AL-Houthis; through civil or charitable institutions. Also, drug shipments are sent to Yemen with a view to trafficking or smuggling them into the Arab Gulf countries across the Yemeni borders with Saudi Arabia which is under the control of AL-Houthis. In turn, AL-Houthis are using the proceeds of these drugs to finance their activities. Here, we find a similarity between AL-Houthis and AL-Qaeda in the issue of drug trafficking. Qaeda and Taliban used to export heroin to various countries, while AL-Houthis run drug trade in Arab Gulf countries. Thus, we can say that Iran possesses a real presence in Yemen through AL-Houthi Shiite movement. (A group of researchers: 2008, 280).

The Iranian relations with AL-Houthis reflect the regional dimension of the foreign policy of Iran. The government of Iran seeks increase its presence in the Arab region particularly Yemen (where the Zaidi Shiites constitute between 30–35% of the population). It seems that Iran uses its relations with AL-Houthis as a tool to impose its hegemony on the peoples of the Arab region. On the other hand, this relationship resulted in a political confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. As known, Iran and AL-Houthis are targeting Saudi Arabia, aiming to spread chaos through the Shiite minority inside Saudi Arabia. It is no longer secret that the joint strategic objective between AL-Houthis and Iran is to control the sacred sites in Mecca and Medina. We all heard the Iranian conceit that Tehran controlled Sanaa, the fourth Arab capital after AL-Houthis had entered Sanaa in September 21, 2014. This means that AL-Houthis are considered an Iranian army like Lebanese Hizbullah and AL-Mahdi Army of AL-Quds. The Iranian regime welcomed AL-Houthis’ delegation to the high-level who visited Tehran after the control over Sanaa, and launched 14 weekly flight from Tehran to Sanaa. Now, Iran honors AL-Houthis and speaks about the arrival of Tehran to the coasts of the Red Sea and Bab AL-Mandab. (Mahjoub AL-Zuwairi: 2015, 73–74).

The Iranian relations with AL-Houthi entered a new chapter after the movement had controlled Sanaa city. Iran declared its support to AL-Houthis and applauded its military coup against the legitimate Government, the political process and the national dialog. The Iranian government pledged to continue its endless support to AL-Houthis. The Iranian deputy foreign minister for Arab and African affairs, Hussain Amir Abdul AL-Luhian, announced the readiness of his country to support Yemen in various fields. He added that the air flights between Sanaa and Tehran allows Yemenis to visit religious centers and tourism in Iran, and provides an opportunity for Yemeni businessmen and merchants to purchase goods from Iran. (Abdul Rahim Ali: 03–03 -2015). The President of the National Security of Yemen, General Ali Hassan AL-Ahmadi, insured that five Iranian spy networks were arrested in Yemen, as well as the arrest of an Iranian ships loaded with weapons on its way to AL-Houthis. AL-Ahmadi added that Iran exports terrorism to Yemen and uses AL-Houthi movement to destabilize the security and stability of Yemen. (Mohammed Sanba’a: 14–10–2015).

