Health and Wellness

A practical approach to kidney stone prevention

Dr. Abhishek Laddha
3 min readAug 23, 2021
Photo by John Salzarulo on Unsplash

Our food habits play a vital role in our growth and overall well-being. A balanced diet is essential for overall good health including the health of our kidneys.

“Ati sarvatra varjayet” ( meaning Excess of anything is bad) holds true when it comes to diet and an overall healthy lifestyle.

It is estimated that around 12 to 15 crores Indians are at risk of kidney stones and around 50 % of those affected are likely to have a recurrence and may lead to overall damage of kidney function.

  1. Water Intake:

Water intake is one of the most important and modifiable factors in stone prevention. Studies have shown that recurrent stone former usually have a water intake of less than 3 lit per day.

Currently, available evidence suggests that there is no overall difference in stone rates with the type of water, what really matters is the amount of water you take.

The best guide for your adequate water intake is urine output ( ideally you should pass around 2.5 L of urine per day and adjust water intake accordingly ).

You should avoid binges (a large amount of water intake at one go, followed by no water intake for a long duration ) and take water at regular intervals.

2. Soda, Cold drinks, and Lemon Juice:

Consumption of soda and cold drinks is associated with a high risk of stone recurrence and should be avoided while lemon and orange juice are associated with a lower risk.

3. Beer and Stones:

Beer intake does not decrease the risk of stone and might actually increase the risk of stones by causing loss of water from the body leading to dehydration, weight gain over time, and increasing the purine level in blood.

4. Diet:

Diet is the next major factor that should be modified based on the type of stone you form. Limiting ( Not Avoiding !! ) food that has high oxalate content such as spinach, berries, chocolate, nuts, black tea, and coffee will help you in reducing the risk of recurrent stones.

5. Calcium intake :

Moderate calcium intake ( Yes it is not typing error!! ) preferably in form of dairy products with a diet can help you in reducing the risk of stones. Natural calcium available in food will bind with free oxalate in the gut reducing the absorption of oxalate thereby reducing the risk of stones, calcium supplements in form of tablets should be avoided unless medically indicated otherwise.

6. Milk and Milk Products:

Milk and milk products are safe and can be safely taken in moderate amounts without any increased risk of stone recurrence.

7. Animal proteins Salt and Supplements:

Excessive animal proteins, dietary salt intake, and excessive vitamin C supplements all increase the risk of stone recurrence and should be avoided.

8. Balance excessive water loss:

Balancing excessive water loss ( like after work out or outdoor activity ), adequate exercise with normal body weight helps in overall health improvement and reduction of recurrence of kidney stones as well.

Overall a simple balanced diet with fruits vegetables and moderate intake of dairy products and, while avoiding excessive salts, animal proteins, and oxalates with adequate regular intake of water can reduce the recurrence of stone significantly.

Dr. Abhishek Laddha.



Dr. Abhishek Laddha

Im working as Consultant Urology and Uro-oncology in Vishesh Jupiter Hospital Indore. I love writing about health ,happiness and life.