Easiest Way To Make REST API calls on Android Beginner Friendly with one line of Code (No Retrofit Needed)

Dr Adam Fils
5 min readNov 8, 2019


In this post i will teach you how to make REST API Calls(GET,POST,…..), Upload Files, Download Files

If you are an experienced Android Developer or just a beginner making web request or API calls is has a big part to play in applications that read/write data over the internet.

With that out of the way, i formerly used Retrofit to do all my web requests. It was easy to use but i ran into a problem were i had a web request that returned a malformed JSON and i needed to get the response as a String and then sanitized the response before feeding it into a JSON parser. Sounds like a lot of steps huh! It was. 😄

Converter Factory (in my own simplest words): It tells Retrofit how to treat and parse the API response you get.

My first attempt was to use a string converter factory called (ScalarsConverterFactory) with Retrofit to get the response as a string because using a GSON converter factory would throw a Malform JSON Exception or i’d i’ll need to create a custom Converter which i was not ready to. When i did the Response was encrypted so i needed an alternative with i will be sharing with you today.

Enough talk let’s dive into my second attempt.

Source: SpaceHeart

I came across this library on Github that solved that problem and also enabled me to make API calls in one line of Code. 🎉🍾

Source: MakeAGif

The Library is called Fast-Android-Networking by amitshekhariitbhu


Fast Android Networking Library can be included in any Android application.

Fast Android Networking Library supports Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and later.

  1. Import the Library to Android Studio via Gradle in your build.gradle file.
    implementation ‘com.amitshekhar.android:android-networking:1.0.2’
  2. Do not forget to add internet permission in manifest if already not present.
    <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET” />
  3. Then initialize it in onCreate() Method of Application class :
  4. Making Requests.

i) Making GET Requests.

.addPathParameter("pageNumber", "0")
.addQueryParameter("limit", "3")
.addHeaders("token", "1234")
.getAsJSONArray(new JSONArrayRequestListener() {
public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
// do anything with response
public void onError(ANError error) {
// handle error

NOTE: The Tag you set here will be used if you want to say cancel a request.

ii) Making POST Request

.addBodyParameter("firstname", "Amit")
.addBodyParameter("lastname", "Shekhar")
.getAsJSONObject(new JSONObjectRequestListener() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
// do anything with response
public void onError(ANError error) {
// handle error

You can also get Headers, Body Parameters and Most importantly you can define how you want your Response treated with having to use converters or having to build a custom converter.

You can getAsJSONObject,getAsString, or getAsObject( Custom Java Object You Create).

You can also post java object, json, file, etc in POST request like this.

User user = new User();
user.firstname = "Amit";
user.lastname = "Shekhar";

.addBodyParameter(user) // posting java object
.getAsJSONArray(new JSONArrayRequestListener() {
public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
// do anything with response
public void onError(ANError error) {
// handle error

JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
jsonObject.put("firstname", "Amit");
jsonObject.put("lastname", "Shekhar");
} catch (JSONException e) {

.addJSONObjectBody(jsonObject) // posting json
.getAsJSONArray(new JSONArrayRequestListener() {
public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
// do anything with response
public void onError(ANError error) {
// handle error

.addFileBody(file) // posting any type of file
.getAsJSONObject(new JSONObjectRequestListener() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
// do anything with response
public void onError(ANError error) {
// handle error

Using it with your own JAVA Object — JSON Parser

/*--------------Example One -> Getting the userList----------------*/
.addPathParameter("pageNumber", "0")
.addQueryParameter("limit", "3")
.getAsObjectList(User.class, new ParsedRequestListener<List<User>>() {
public void onResponse(List<User> users) {
// do anything with response
Log.d(TAG, "userList size : " + users.size());
for (User user : users) {
Log.d(TAG, "id : " + user.id);
Log.d(TAG, "firstname : " + user.firstname);
Log.d(TAG, "lastname : " + user.lastname);
public void onError(ANError anError) {
// handle error
/*--------------Example Two -> Getting an user----------------*/
.addPathParameter("userId", "1")
.getAsObject(User.class, new ParsedRequestListener<User>() {
public void onResponse(User user) {
// do anything with response
Log.d(TAG, "id : " + user.id);
Log.d(TAG, "firstname : " + user.firstname);
Log.d(TAG, "lastname : " + user.lastname);
public void onError(ANError anError) {
// handle error
/*-- Note : YourObject.class, getAsObject and getAsObjectList are important here --*/

Downloading a file from server

.setDownloadProgressListener(new DownloadProgressListener() {
public void onProgress(long bytesDownloaded, long totalBytes) {
// do anything with progress
.startDownload(new DownloadListener() {
public void onDownloadComplete() {
// do anything after completion
public void onError(ANError error) {
// handle error

Uploading a file to server

.setUploadProgressListener(new UploadProgressListener() {
public void onProgress(long bytesUploaded, long totalBytes) {
// do anything with progress
.getAsJSONObject(new JSONObjectRequestListener() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
// do anything with response
public void onError(ANError error) {
// handle error

Cancelling a request.

AndroidNetworking.cancel("tag"); // All the requests with the given tag will be cancelled.
AndroidNetworking.forceCancel("tag"); // All the requests with the given tag will be cancelled , even if any percent threshold is
// set , it will be cancelled forcefully.
AndroidNetworking.cancelAll(); // All the requests will be cancelled.
AndroidNetworking.forceCancelAll(); // All the requests will be cancelled , even if any percent threshold is
// set , it will be cancelled forcefully.

That will be all for this tutorial. Theres a whole lot more you can do with this Library by amitshekhariitbhu. Try it out and let me know in the comments how it made your coding life easier. 👏 Follow Share 😁 to stay in the Loop. 👍



Dr Adam Fils

Adam - Google Android Engineer 📱 Passionate coder, problem solver 💡 & vocalist 🎤 Innovating the tech world while hitting the high notes 🎶 Follow my journey!