Examining the Best Truss Designs: Which Truss Bridge Types Are Available and Which to Choose?

Drafting Consultants
2 min readJan 2, 2024

When it comes to bridge construction, selecting the best truss design is a critical decision that influences the bridge’s strength, stability, and overall performance. Truss bridges, known for their efficient use of materials and ability to span long distances, come in various designs, each suited to specific engineering requirements. In this blog post, we’ll delve into different types of truss bridges and discuss considerations for selecting the best truss design.

Pratt Truss:

  • The Pratt truss is one of the most common and straightforward designs. Characterized by diagonal members slanting towards the center and vertical members connecting the top and bottom chords, Pratt truss bridges are efficient for medium to long spans. They are widely used for their simplicity, ease of construction, and cost-effectiveness.

Howe Truss:

  • Similar to the Pratt truss, the Howe truss features diagonal members but with their directions reversed. This design is particularly suitable for shorter spans and is often employed when the bridge requires additional vertical clearance. Howe truss bridges are known for their versatility and ability to handle heavy loads.

Warren Truss:

  • The Warren truss design is characterized by equal-length diagonal members forming equilateral triangles. This design is popular for its balance between material efficiency and structural strength. Warren truss bridges are often chosen for medium-span applications, offering a visually appealing and functional solution.

Bowstring Arch Truss:

  • Combining elements of both arch and truss designs, the bowstring arch truss provides a graceful and aesthetically pleasing solution. This design is ideal for spanning longer distances with a single arch, and it offers enhanced lateral stability. Bowstring arch truss bridges are often chosen for their architectural appeal and ability to complement the surrounding landscape.

Considerations for Selecting the Best Truss Design:

  • Span Length and Load Capacity:
  • Different truss designs are suited to various span lengths and load requirements. Consider the specific needs of the bridge in terms of its intended use and the loads it will bear.
  • Aesthetic Preferences:
  • The visual appeal of a truss bridge is an important consideration, especially in urban or scenic areas. Some truss designs offer more architectural flexibility and aesthetic options than others.
  • Budget and Construction Constraints:
  • Budget constraints and construction logistics play a crucial role in selecting the best truss design. Some designs are more cost-effective and easier to construct than others, depending on the available resources.

In the world of bridge construction, choosing the best truss design involves a careful balance of structural considerations, aesthetic preferences, and practical constraints. By understanding the unique features of Pratt, Howe, Warren, and bowstring arch truss designs, engineers and architects can make informed decisions to ensure the successful and efficient completion of bridge projects. The best truss design is ultimately the one that aligns with the specific needs and challenges of the given project.



Drafting Consultants

Drafting Consultants have over 10 years of experience in drafting and designing, including architectural CAD drawings, computer-aided design (CAD) drawings,