DDSS Recovery — A How-To

3 min readJun 12, 2018


Keep Calm, HODL On. A June 2018 Roadmap Goal.

Official Dragonchain DDSS Recovery Fee Address is: 0x157b7e6C09204982d9FC7B307a3CF6D5F4885b3b
— — -BEGIN ADDRESS — — -

Since the release of the Dragon Days of Slumber Score, the Dragonchain community has expressed great enthusiasm about the incentives offered to Dragon Holders (DRGNs).

The Dragonchain Team understands the importance of users being able to move DRGNs from one wallet to another, more secure wallet, without the risk of losing their current DDSS.

To combat this issue, the team has come up with a solution — DDSS Recovery.

DDSS Recovery is a process by which the user can transfer their DRGNs into a different wallet for a fee.

Here is how DDSS Recovery works:

The user currently has all of their DRGNs in Wallet A. However, they would like to transfer all of their DRGNs to a more secure wallet, Wallet B.

1. First, the user transfers ALL of their DRGNs into Wallet B. USERS MUST TRANSFER ALL OF THEIR DRGNS FROM A TO B. Wallet A must be completely empty in order for the system to recognize the transfer.

2. Once the user has moved ALL of their DRGNs from Wallet A to Wallet B, the user can now move the Recovery Fee of 20 DRGNs into Wallet A. The fee does NOT have to be from Wallet B (it could be from any other wallet), but the fee must be entered into Wallet A.

3. The user can now send the Recovery Fee of 20 DRGNs from Wallet A to Official Dragonchain DDSS Recovery Fee Address. The Recovery Fee must be transferred from Wallet A in order to prove the user initiating the transfer is the original owner of Wallet A.

Important to Note:

  • Exchange Wallets do not accumulate DDSS or receive recovered DDSS
  • Users have up to ONE year to recover their DDSS from their original wallet.
  • DDSS Recovery only recovers the DDSS from the original amount after ONE MOVE. The last move the brings your balance to 0 and not cumulative.
  • If a user were to move their DRGNs from Wallet A to Wallet B,
  • Then decide to spend some of their DRGNs in Wallet B, this action has changed the user’s DDSS.
  • If then, the user moves their DRGNs to Wallet C,
  • The user CANNOT recover their original DDSS from Wallet A, but they can recover their DDSS from Wallet B.

The Dragonchain Team is very committed to keeping the platform user-friendly and ensuring DRGN Holders have the resources necessary to experience and enjoy using it. We will continue listening to the needs of the Dragonchain Community in order to improve all of our technical processes.

This article appeared first on Dragonchain’s blog:

