Dragonchain Community Update

As you all know, last week, we suspended the Iagon presale and announced that all Ethereum received would be returned to the wallets from which it was received. Undoubtedly some questions and concerns regarding this turn of events have surfaced and we would like to update the Dragon community.

6 min readMay 2, 2018


At Dragonchain, we have two sayings. “All Humans are welcome” and “Business Blockchain Magic.” These two sayings form the core foundation of our vision and mission and what we wish to achieve. Every action we take will always have these philosophical goals in mind.

It all begins with the Dragonchain platform, a turnkey blockchain platform for business which allows application developers to rapidly and securely build blockchain applications using existing language development environments (e.g. Java, Python, Node, C#, Go), providing a tremendous speed to market and cost advantage​. The Dragonchain architecture is also designed to allow nodes to handle approval of transactions based upon five levels of network consensus to provide a spectrum of trust to data consumers; a level of security and flexibility unseen in the market by current blockchain solution providers. We believe that this flexibility will lead to development of a new wave of powerful business applications using blockchain technology. Applications that could not reasonably expose their sensitive data and operations on a public network, yet recognize the value of hashpower and consensus available on public networks such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.

The Dragonchain Ecosystem

Supporting our platform is an Academy for developer training, adoption, and certification; a marketplace for the interchange of services and smart contracts; and an incubator to accelerate and drive projects to completion.

The Academy has a vision to use Dragons to facilitate training and certification for users around the world. It will not follow the typical training and certification racket that would shut out most of the world with high fees, but instead leverage blockchain and cryptocurrency to reward completion of coursework.

The Marketplace vision is to provide a place for certified developers, marketing, and other business vendors to offer their services. It’s also the place that any user of Dragonchain technology may monetize utility smart contracts that they have created. The marketplace will allow teams to use existing and proven smart contracts as well as augment their team in the creation of their applications.

The Incubator vision is to accelerate users’ Dragonchain projects by incentivizing members of the Dragon Community to contribute knowledge and effort to projects as they progress through standardized business and application development processes.

The entire ecosystem was designed to drive adoption of the Dragonchain commercial platform.


To execute a vision so grand as to bring the benefits of blockchain and cryptocurrency to all humans, a strong community is required. We appreciate your support. We need your support. Which is why we have from the beginning put Dragon token holders first. Some of the actions we’ve executed toward this goal:

  • Defined a market based price model to give everyone a fair chance to participate in the original token sale.
  • We never sold a single dragon controlled by the company even at the all time price high.
  • Conducted numerous internal audits and 4 independent external audits during the token sale.
  • Created the Dragon Days of Slumber Score (DDSS) to measure community interest in fundamentals, incentivize best practices security and disincentivize pump and dump activity.
  • Protected individuals (especially beginners to the crypto world) from mistakes via exceptions and standardized processes to allow safe recovery of tokens.
  • Established an employee social network policy to never provide rumor or innuendo of upcoming news.
  • Established a Dragon distribution policy for the team — based on DDSS calculation — that strongly disincentivizes selling.
  • Designed and executed communication patterns and systems to avoid scams and attacks against the Dragon Community.
  • Proactively shutting down scams and attacks in social media at a not insignificant cost.
  • Actively working with Congressional Blockchain Caucus members to voice the industry and community opinion.
  • Joined and actively working with the Digital Chamber of Commerce to actively educate regulators and the public on the nature and value of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

The Iagon decision is a continuation of taking action to protect the company and community. It was reached on amicable terms. It should be noted that until a regulatory framework for utility tokens is defined, “compliance” seems to be a moving target to which we will always strive to fulfill our due diligence to not only position ourselves as the Business Blockchain solution, but more importantly, to protect all Dragon holders — always.


We have always been committed to reaching our technology roadmap goals and are on track to reaching our full vision. We are proud of development so far and the tools and building blocks we are providing for enterprise clients. With the current state of regulations, it should be noted that we have decided to refocus our efforts on the core platform and marketplace whilst we consider alternatives for the development of the Incubator.

An updated roadmap will soon be posted to the Dragonchain website. In the meantime you can expect it to include the following:

Interchain Capabilities

  • ETH Interchain
  • ETC Interchain
  • BTC Interchain
  • NEO Interchain
  • Selective distributed processing (via public chain) at the L1 (Business node) level

DDSS Capabilities:

  • Integration into other products
  • Sharing/”subHODLing”
  • Recovery

Provisioning of L2 — L4 Nodes

  • Accessible to Dragon community members for active participation in the network verification process
  • Requirements for node type based upon DDSS, time, balance, and identity

Dragon Factor Identity Framework

  • An expansion of our existing KYC implementation
  • Allowing multiple identity providers
  • Protection of sensitive personal data
  • Proofs based upon cryptographic signing and Dragonchain based Proof of Existence


Dragonchain is a proud US Based Blockchain company and in the spirit of the American Dream, we seek to provide Blockchain capabilities to all humans.

As such, we invite you, if you are a US citizen, to write your local representative or the Members of the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Committee on Banking to seek regulation standards and voice your opinion to educate legislators and regulators on the value that Blockchain offers to change lives for the better.

House Financial Services Committee Members

Mr. Bill Huizenga, Chairman
(202) 225–4401

Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney (New York)
(202) 225–7944

Mr. Brad Sherman (California)
(202) 225–5911

Mr. Randy Hultgren (Illinois)
(202) 225–2976

Mrs. Ann Wagner (Missouri)

Mr. Stephen F. Lynch (Massachusetts)
(202) 225–8273

Mr. Tom Emmer (Minnesota)
(202) 225–2331

Mr. David Scott (Georgia)
(202) 225–2939

Mr. Thomas MacArthur (New Jersey)
(202) 225–4765

Mr. Ted Budd (North Carolina)

Mr. Georgy W. Meeks (New York)
(202) 225–3461

Mr. Bruce Poliquin (Maine)
(202) 225–6306

Mr. Keith Ellison (Minnesota)
(202) 225–4755

Mr. Trey Hollingsworth (Indiana)

Mr. Warren Davidson (Ohio)
(202) 225–6205

Mr. Frech Hill (Arkansas)
(202) 225–2506

Senate Banking Committee

Mike Crapo (Idaho)
(202) 224–6142

Richard Shelby (Alabama)
(202) 224–5744

Bob Corker (Tennessee)
(202) 224–3344

Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania)
(202) 224–4254

Dean Heller (Nevada)

Tim Scott (South Carolina)
(202) 224–6121

Ben Sasse (Nebraska)

Tom Cotton (Arkansas)
(202) 224–2353

Mike Rounds (South Dakota)
(202) 224–5842

David Perdue (Georgia)
(202) 224–3521

Thom Tillis (North Carolina)
(202) 224–6342

John Kennedy (Louisiana)
(202) 224–4623

Jerry Moran (Kansas)
(202) 224–6521

Sherrod Brown (Ohio)
(202) 224–2315

Jack Reed (Rhode Island)
(202) 224–4642

Robert Menendez (New Jersey)
(202) 224–4744

Jon Tester (Montana)
(202) 224–2644

Mark R. Warner (Virginia)

Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts)
(202) 224–4543

Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota)
(202) 224–2043

Joe Donnelly (Indiana)
(202) 224–4814

Brian Schatz (Hawaii)
(202) 224–3934

Chris Van Hollen (Maryland)
(202) 224–4654

Catherine Cortez Masto (Nevada)
(202) 224–3542

Doug Jones (Alabama)
(202) 224–4124

