Dragonchain Partners with Centricity to Drive Industry Transformation and Innovation with Blockchain

3 min readOct 24, 2018


Leading agriculture company and Dragonchain partner on blockchain identity solution to build next generation supply chain

Last week, Centricity announced they are working with Dragonchain to drive industry transformation and innovation with blockchain. Through this collaboration, Centricity will drive better decisions on the farm, and across the supply chain. Leaders across the agricultural industry are accelerating adoption of blockchain infrastructure, and need the ability to seamlessly integrate digital identity with their supply chain.

Next Generation Supply Chain

Supply chain’s emergence has driven development in the agricultural space, but like any innovation, it has seen its share growing pains. With the influx and expansion of retrievable data, it can become a challenge to distinguish what segments of that data are actually valuable and worth sharing. Centricity serves to alleviate this issue, offering various products that assist in collecting, organizing and sharing information between farmers. They are one of the largest companies of their kind, with just short of 20,000 farms and over 4,500 organizations in their network.

With such an extensive body of data points, it can be difficult to assure that every member is providing accurate data and is in fact who they claim to be. Verifying every farmer individually is costly, inefficient, and generates an unnecessary amount of information. The other problem faced by Centricity and companies like it is that not every member is willing or able to share the same data. What is open information at one farm may be kept confidential at another, compounded with the fact that the fields and methodologies around collection vary from one farm to another. To address these concerns, Dragonchain will be collaborating with Centricity as a technology partner, leveraging the capabilities of Dragon Factor Identity to tackle these unique challenges.

Validated Blockchain Based Identity

As the industry moves to adopt blockchain technology, there is a growing need for blockchain identity solutions. Dragon Factor resolves this by providing a self-managed, validated identity solution. Dragon Factor provides secure, decentralized authentication and access to blockchain applications. Unlike most other competing federated identity solutions, Dragon Factor gives the user control of their data and who has access to it, all without sacrificing security and privacy.

Effectively complying with global privacy laws like GDPR requires solutions designed with respect to data subject rights and data storage limitation principles. To help customers with their compliance with GDPR, Dragon Factor can help:

  • Comply with “requests to be forgotten” by allowing for the storage of the underlying sensitive data “off-chain”, while maintaining a secure reference to the underlying data with an obscured hash “on-chain”, allowing for the deletion of the underlying sensitive data to “forget”.
  • Keep data private and ensure it never leaves the private blockchain unless access is explicitly granted.
  • Determine where data will be stored, including the geographic region, and allows for fine-grained control over jurisdictions where nodes are operated.
  • Filter access control to applications, thereby providing selective exposure of specific factors.
  • Reduce liabilities such as the retention of PII or other sensitive data.

“Just think about all of the various applications and locations your personal data is stored today: HR, financial institutions, social media, buying platforms… As an individual, Dragon Factor allows you to manage and protect your personal data, and expose what you decide is necessary. On the other side of the transactions, organizations and business don’t have to worry about PII storage. The use of public and private keys in combination with factor certificates will drastically reduce the unauthorized use of accounts.” — Filip Hantson, Vice President of Strategic Business Development

Via Dragon Factor, Dragonchain is focused on providing a trusted identity solution using blockchain as the foundation for the next generation supply chain. Together, Dragonchain and Centricity are creating a secure, reliable foundation upon which to build blockchain solutions.

To learn more about Dragonchain’s collaboration with Centricity, read the press release.

If your business needs a secure GDPR-compliant identity solution provided as a service, contact: info@dragonchain.com

This article appeared first on Dragonchain’s blog: https://dragonchain.com/blog/next-generation-agriculture-supply-chain

