Lifetimes Ahead: The Dragonchain Architectural Advantage

5 min readAug 1, 2018


A Dragonchain Telegram user recently asked Joe Roets, “How much of a time advantage does Dragonchain, a blockchain solution with architecture designed in 2016, have?” His humble reply: lifetimes.

You may already know the chops of our CEO within the blockchain space. Having led or contributed to major projects in the industry since 2010, such as Overstock, Coinbase, Symbiont, and the Walt Disney Company, and over 20 years of experience in software architecture focused on security and scalability, Joe is second to none. It is this ideal combination: an undeniable passion for the technology, the dream that “all humans are welcome”, and an abundance of business experience, that make Joe and Dragonchain far from an underdog in the industry, but the Pacific Northwest’s new “Seattle Slew”.

Dragonchain can meet the needs of any company considering the adoption of this disruptive technology and can address any question or concern that they may have. We offer enterprise a serverless system, established language support for smart contracts, scalability, security and protection of business data, and advanced currency implementations; and this is by no means an exhaustive list. (Read more about the Dragonchain architecture here.)

We are confident these features will lead to lower development cost, given the ability to use existing development languages, a faster speed to market, significantly higher levels of security, and greater scalability. Dragonchain is a true, enterprise-grade, Blockchain as a Service (BaaS); designed by a visionary who understands the needs of Fortune 10 companies and the latent potential of blockchain itself. We know why this technology works and we know its capabilities.

Our solution exists now to support your blockchain dream.

With Dragonchain Version 1.0 launched, we have no doubt that we have a product with a competitive edge that will endure. As a US-based company and an executive member of the Digital Chamber of Commerce (the world’s leading trade association representing the digital asset and blockchain industry), we have assessed the risks involved. We know the potential size of disruption of this new protocol of value.

Meet The Team

Bar none, our success is in large part due to the experience and passion of our team. We all plan to bring blockchain to the masses and work daily to achieve this key goal. Just some of the talent we are proud to have join the Dragonchain team this past month:

Chris Jones, President of Dragonscale

Chris Jones joins Dragonchain with over 20 years of marketing experience and has held key executive roles at Adidas America, Mattel, and Boost Mobile. He is a long-time entrepreneur and an expert in translating complex, technical features and functionalities into easy-to-understand concepts. Chris is a true evangelist for blockchain, people, and projects; making him indispensable to Dragonscale. He holds a B.S.B.A. from Georgetown University and an MBA from Northwestern University.

Danny Luedke, Director of Product Marketing

Danny brings a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to his role as Product Marketing Director. Before Dragonchain, Danny spent 7 years with F5 Networks, playing a pivotal role in delivering cloud and security solutions to the world’s largest businesses (7 out of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies are customers). During this time, revenue grew from $881M to over $2.1B with expanded market share to over 50%; while maintaining 84% gross margins and 36% operating margins. Additionally, he obtained valuable experience in product marketing, driving large scale product campaigns.

Jacqui Farnsworth, Director of Human Resources

Over the course of her 20 years experience in human resources, Jacqui has run the gamut of managerial responsibilities and helped a number of companies flourish. She has overseen staff in a long list of sectors including tech, finance, consulting and health, improving talent management and adding value to multi-site organizations. In her current role with Dragonchain, she guides our fast-growing infrastructure and supplies our team with the training and resources to achieve our vision for the company.

Chris Magill, IT Security Manager

Chris brings over 15 years of security expertise to his position at Dragonchain, having worked on the teams of both startups and major corporations. In his time with Fortune 100 companies like T-Mobile and Microsoft, he managed portfolios of over $100 million in information security projects. Chris’ talent for analyzing the strategies of modern adversaries won him the Best External Exploit Award for a social engineering attack against Nordstrom. In addition to his strong technical background, he is also an effective leader and communicator with a knack for bringing teams together around a common goal.

Justin Hall, Senior Accounting Financial Analyst

As the Senior Accounting and Finance Analyst at Dragonchain, Justin manages the accounting process, IT implementation, budget pricing, and token pricing. Justin comes to Dragonchain from KPMG, where he audited publicly traded biotech, oil companies, and privately owned investment groups. With a double major in Accounting and Management Information Systems and minor in Economics from Western Washington University, Justin has also assisted Wells Fargo, Nordstrom, and Best Buy in accounting, finance analysis, and sales strategy.

Andrew Miller, Software Developer, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area

Andrew is a passionate developer working at Dragonchain Raleigh-Durham, with over 6 years experience in software development and security analysis. He is originally from West Virginia and has worked at Credit Suisse, Cisco, Sevatec, Symbiont, and createTank. While working at createTank, he designed and developed various aspects of projects such as Coinbase libraries, thinkTank, and SimpliciKey.


We are currently filling several key positions in our HQ office, like: Business Development Leader, PR/Communications Director, and Blockchain Architect. Not in Seattle? We are hiring experienced software engineers for our new offices in both Raleigh and Kansas City.

As our team continues to grow and we work to build the most secure, flexible, and user-friendly platform, we remain steadfast in our core belief.

All humans are welcome. Join us.

