UPDATE: Dragonchain Adoption

3 min readMar 1, 2019


A Snapshot of Current Dragon Net Statistics

Now on Dragonchain

Learn on Dragonchain with the Academy LMS

Lyceum In Practice
Dragonchain Academy is a major use case for blockchain and e-learning innovations, as well as the Lyceum LMS. It has served as a gateway for developers and professionals looking to explore the capabilities of blockchain and has cross-platform capabilities with the rest of the Dragonchain ecosystem.

The Solution for Your Business Training Needs
Lyceum is a learning management system (LMS) that hosts and manages content such as documents, courses, and evaluations. User progress is tracked on the blockchain, creating an immutable “Proof of Education”. Lyceum is hosted on the Dragonchain Platform and can be built into personalized solutions that meets an organization’s educational needs.

Learn blockchain today on a real blockchain application!

Integrate onto Dragonchain with MetroEDGE

Dragonchain and MetroEDGE are accelerating industry 4.0 implementation by leveraging the security and scalability of the Dragonchain Platform and MetroEDGE’s high-performance EDGE computing and storage grid. The platform is designed to serve IoT, healthcare, supply chain, and other industry 4.0 needs. It will allow companies to plug their pre-existing application layers into a complete EDGE computing solution.

Contact us today and we’ll connect you with our partners at Antonym and MetroEDGE

Socialize on Dragonchain with Dragon Den

Dragon Den is a decentralized community built on the Dragonchain Platform. It is Dragonchain’s response to fake news, trolling, and censorship, with incentives for users that generate and identify quality content. As part of its community-centered design, users are given agency to stop the circulation of unsourced news, enforce community standards, and reward valuable content through a tokenized reward model.

We’re currently in phase 2 of our Dragon Den closed beta. If you’re interested in participating in phase 3, fill out the form to sign up: https://form.jotform.com/90555432019151

This article appeared first on Dragonchain’s blog: https://dragonchain.com/blog/dragonchain-adoption-development-updates

